Monday, September 23, 2019


The annual First Responder weekend has come and gone.

Dave and I love helping at the Saturday celebration called

A Day With a Deputy.

Its a whole day of demonstrations with Law Enforcement, Fire, Rescue, Correctional Officers and K9.

They always have several K9 exhibitions, Jaws of Life demos and all types of equipment for kids to

get on and climb all over.

They, the kids, sure really love ringing the old fire truck bell.

What Hubby and I love about all of this....

We get to serve these wonderful people a full Tri Tip dinner.. FREE ... as our thank you for their service.

I loved getting to talk with so many of them one on one.

These photos are from last year..

I wasn't able to get any good ones this year.  (:0(

The dinner was also a fundraiser for the Sheriff's Counsel that puts on programs like this one.

Many attendees bought their dinner for just $5.00.

It was a really great deal for everyone.

The Jaws of Life is such a valuable tool.  It was amazing how fast they could dismantle the car.

These dogs are spectacular.

So kind and patient and in love with their Officer.

They like the general public too...but when their Officer says go....

I'll tell you, I would not want to be on the receiving end of their teeth...if I was a Bad Guy !!

All in all, It was the highlight of our week.


Michelle said...

What a great thing to do. Nice to see all of this available for children to learn about.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is such an awesome idea, for both those who serve and the public. We have something similar to this called The annual Night Out. But NO steak dinners, phooey!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would love to be there, this looks wonderful for everyone, the first responders, the people who cook and sponsor this and all those k-9's would be where I was hanging out....

Marie Smith said...

What a wonderful way to thank those who risk so much and give so much for the rest of us!

Chatty Crone said...

I would like to have come to that. I am glad they have it for them.

Shammickite said...

It sounds like a really enjoyable day, not only for you in providing the yummy food, but for the first responder people too. I'm sure they love showing the general public what they can do. My grandies would have loved to be there to see the fun. And have a $5 lunch too!

sandy said...

i can see what it would be a highlight. We have these kinds of days up here but I'm always busy and never have attended one. It's probably quite interesting and fun.

diane b said...

Looks like an interesting show.

Linda said...

What a wonderful work you are involved in! You amaze me with y'alls ability to work so hard and to serve so many. May you and yours be blessed as you have blessed others!

LC said...

What a wonderful event you are supporting! This is the first I have heard of this kind of event. It speaks of close cooperation among public safety operations and the public they serve! A win win for everyone!