Thursday, September 19, 2019


I have so much to be thankful for.

Sometimes I do forget to be thankful and fret and stew over "LIFE".

I'm so grateful for a husband that I can work along side

 and cares for me in both big and small ways.

The other night we went over to our son's home to have dinner

And finally meet our Granddaughter's wonderful boyfriend.

We whole heartedly approve.

Lauren wanted her Grandma and Papa there to meet him.

I'm so thankful that both of our sons have raised good kids too.

Don't they make a cute couple?

Love my family with all of my heart.


jel said...

They do. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are both beautiful! How wonderful that she really wanted you to meet him.

Jan said...

How sweet that she wanted you to meet him. It's precious when grandchildren and grandparents are present in each other's life!

sandy said...

Very cute couple and you can look in someone's eyes and see kindness. I see that in both of theirs. Good match and I agree so very much to be thankful for in every moment if we just open our eyes to see it and invite it in.
Beauty everywhere.. Have a great weekend.

Chatty Crone said...

They look like a happy and sweet and beautiful couple.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They look adorable. It is a blessing to have family that cares for each other.

Marie Smith said...

You are so blessed!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you have a GREAT family. Enjoy each moment. Thanks so much for linking up today!

Shammickite said...

You are indeed very fortunate. Dave is a super husband. (Don't tell him I said that.) Lauren is gorgeous, good luck with the boyfriend, but you can't always tell by appearances!!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We have so much to be thankful for! Your granddaughter and her guy are so happy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they look perfect for each other and are a truly lovely couple... so glad you got to meet him..

LC said...

The joys of a wonderful, kids and now a granddaughter's wise and happy new choice! Your cup just has to be running over.

Mrs. Me said...

He is a welcome part of the family! They are so adorable together <3

Natalia said...

What a beautiful couple,wush them all the best☺