Wednesday, July 31, 2019


In light of the things that have been happening since last Wednesday's trip to the ER....

I thought this is the perfect post for Wednesday Wisdom.

Here's the follow up on my dear Hubby...

He is slowly recovering from his gall bladder removal and the infection that went with it.

His agitation from 2 days solid of pain meds and who knows what all was pumped into him,
didn't help the process.

This was all before he finally had surgery Thursday night at 9 PM.

We are taking one day at a time and are so grateful for all the prayers and concern.

Being older sure doesn't make recovery easy...

This too shall pass...


Linda said...

Prayers for you both as he recovers. That was pretty funny - the dictionary!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Yes It will pass, we are all out here lifting you UP, both of you... lots of hilarious in this list

Ginny Hartzler said...

Were they able to do it laparoscopic? I am thinking not, as he had infection. I have prayed for a speedy recovery. This dictionary is hilarious!!

Chatty Crone said...

Well there are times to pray - ask God for help - and tie a knot and hang on - sounds like this might be one of those. Prayers and hugs your way. sandie

Martha said...

I am so sorry you and your hubby have to deal with this. Prayers for both of you, and big hugs too.

Marie Smith said...

Indeed it will and quickly I hope!

Shammickite said...

Hugs for Dave (gentle ones of course!). And hugs for you too, as the caregiver is a very important part of healing. Keep smiling, both of you.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those definitions are funny. Keep on taking good care of your hubby as he recovers.