Saturday, March 09, 2019


This says it all.....



Ginny Hartzler said...

Love it!!! Thanks for the reminder as well.

Shammickite said...

It'll be a lot lighter in the evenings.... and I'll be able to start going for a walk after dinner.

MadSnapper said...

I for one do not need a reminder since i have been whining for over a week now and will continue to whine for another few weeks.. takes me about 5 weeks to adjust to new times, every time it changes.. i have only found 2 other whiners today. so far. hope you are on time to church..

Marie Smith said...

It really does!

Debby@Just Breathe said...


MadSnapper said...

I have never heard of the Greenwich mean time, but I looked it up, runs off the atomic clock and can't be changed back and forth. mean time is what I like and would like to stay on that. so glad you have sunshine, it does make me happy. we bought our house because our living area is all sunshine all year long