Tuesday, March 13, 2018


This past weekend my Hubby and I were at a wonderful celebration.

Our friend turned 85 years young.

Gunhild, happy birthday.

We became part of her family when our son married her niece.

At this momentous celebration I also had a chance to visit with a friend I haven't seen in years.

We gabbed like there hadn't been years in between.

Alfa said that today is her hubby and her 60th wedding anniversary.

A lot of years to be together.

Such wonderful memories.


Ginny Hartzler said...

A wonderful shot of the family! So special.

Shammickite said...

I love those family celebrations. Congratulations to everyone who was celebrating, no matter whether it was a birthday or an anniversary, all those days are very special. Sometimes it's celebrating just being able to get up in the morning, right?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so special for them and for you to be there. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. 60 is a wow moment for sure

Dawning Inspiration said...

So wonderful! Great blessings to celebrate!