Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I'm combining my 30 Days of THANKSGIVING 

and ABC Wednesday THIS  TIME around.

We will be celebrating THANKSGIVING in THE U.S.A.


I am so THANKFUL for all THAT THIS holiday expresses.

Food, Family and the many blessings we have.

TURKEY with all THE  TRIMMINGS.....yum !

THERE is so much beauty all around us.

The cemetery lends itself to THAT way of THINKING.

TREES in THEIR fall finery.

Be sure TO count your blessings whether you celebrate THANKSGIVING Day or not.


Marie Smith said...

It's always a good day when you are looking at the green side of the sod! Living with gratitude is the only way to go. The joy of the smallest things becomes apparent and happiness is attainable. Happy Thanksgiving.

Shammickite said...

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving celebration with your family. There are so many things to be thankful for.... friends, family, wonderful grandchildren, sunshine, and that yummy turkey in your photo!

Merisi said...

Lovely thoughts and photographs, Sue!
Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones,
Merisi *hugs*

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those trees are wonderful and so is that turkey. i think i can smell it now... have a wonderful day and i am thankful for all we have and that is much. since the day i was born, i never went hungry, i had food, shelter, clothing and parents...as a child i felt deprived because we were so poor but the things i NEEDED were always provided by our creator

Unknown said...

Seems delicious....
And wonderful colours in your photo's

Thank you for your loyal participating every week. Hope you will stay part of 'our' meme and that you will have lots of fun with it ofcourse too.
Have a nice abc-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Roger Owen Green said...

tasty-looking turkey

Obsessivemom said...

Happy thanksgiving. It's a wonderful idea to set aside a day for giving thanks and counting your blessings.
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