Saturday, November 28, 2015


While our son and grandson are here visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday we take family excursions.

The terrible wild fires of this past summer have left the earth scarred and bare.

We decided to take a ride to see what some of the areas now looked like.

Of course we picked the day that had a gully-washer of a rain storm.

We desperately need rain but the bare earth of the fire scorched area has turned into potential land slides.

The area we were visiting was called the Butte Fire, Mokulomi Hill, CA.

Beautiful trees are just shadows of their former selves.

Photo Opps.

I have to say that there is a beauty in the ashes.

It's nice to know that someday this will return to trees and beauty once again.


Marie Smith said...

There is beauty in the ashes and you captured it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so very sad to see this. not only is all that beauty destroyed but all the wildlife were killed and the ones who survived have no place to live or eat. i like the pic of the photographers taking pics and the one with the hole in the trunk

Shammickite said...

Very sad photos, but the trees will grow again. Wildfires are so frightening and so destructive. I saw the aftermath of a huge fire when I was driving through South Dakota a few years ago, incredibly huge area completely burnt out, hardly anything left standing.

Kathleen's Blog said...

It does look barren, but is is amazing how much green will be popping up everywhere in that area by next summer. Fire can cause so much damage---crazy scary!!!!

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