Thursday, July 16, 2015


Somehow life keeps sending curveballs
And I don't get my Throwback Thursday done on the right day.

These are my Paternal Grandparents on their wedding day.

As close as I can figure the timing

I believe this was between 1900 - 1902.

My Grandma passed away at a very young age.

I think my Dad was a teenager at the time.

I wish I had known her.

My Dad said she had a great sense of humor

And truly loved life.


Unknown said...

Awwwww. They look very fancy! : ) I hope you are having the most beautiful summer, Miss Suzan!

Wanda said...

I only have a few snap shots of my grandparents. I love the look of this professional one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love old pics even when i don't know the people. it is fascinating to see how they looked and their sizes and clothes. people were much smaller back then, we seem to be growing amazons now

Blogoratti said...

What a wonderful photo, timeless indeed.