Saturday, July 11, 2015


My Hubby and I have been gone for a couple of days.

We needed to escape our house which had just had the carpets cleaned.

Because we had a coupon for 2 nights stay free at a hotel we thought this would be the perfect time to use it.

We had a wonderful time even if it rained and there were thunderstorm and flash flood warnings.

This is the view from our dinner table one evening.

Make sure you enlarge the photos to get the details.

The view of the Lake as the storm moved in.

The next day we stopped at Regan Beach along the South Shore of Lake Tahoe.

Usually the foreground is water.

Can you see the woman playing catch with her dog?

The drought is certainly changing the landscape of the Lake.

The view more towards the North Shore.

I just can't seem to get enough of the beautiful Lake and clouds.

It's pure therapy for me.


Wanda said...

Oh Sue....that wonderful Tahoe Therapy......I am getting so anxious for October.....then we can share the beauty together.

Your pictures are lovely....did you catch any of the lighting show??

Unknown said...

I am so glad you could get away and have a little break. Don't we all need that every once in a while? Our carpets are dreadful! I feel like we need them replaced in every single room. Gary does not.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

for me and hubby, sky and water views are always our therapy.. those clouds are just amazing and i do hope that drought breaks soon. very sad to see all that dry land.. and scary to. what a way to get your carpet clean... woo hooo

tsduff said...

Oh it's been a while since I've graced your blog with my comment....nice to see you are still putting out lovely pictures. Lovely!

Mrs. Me said...

Poor Dave must have felt so cold in that weather. He thrives in the heat it seems. :) I'm glad your therapy is so close by and this time it was relatively free so you could actually enjoy it for a few days at a time! I enjoy visiting there as well.

kc bob said...

Good therapy for sure Sue.