Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Oh my,

Were my bananas over-ripe!

Talk about pungent....

So I made a yummy loaf of Banana Bread.

It is delicious.

Warm with a bit of butter slathered over the slice......

No, a mouse didn't get into the bread.

The edge just didn't want to come out of the pan!


Of course I had to eat those crumbs too.....


Ginny Hartzler said...

It looks beautiful. And I can actually see the moistness.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hubby loves this more than cake.. any cake. and i would be the one eating the part that got stuck.. yummmm

Merisi said...

Yummy banane! ;-)

Marleen said...

It looks very tasty!

Wanda said...

I can smell it all the way to Southern CA.... Yummy. I'm going to try Elizabeth's recipe for bagels this week. Will see her tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I read a tip a while back to wrap a strip of Saran Wrap around the cut stem of the bunch of bananas. This will give them a bit longer life. I've been doing this and it seems to work. Seems that oxygen enters through the cut stem and ages the bananas so sealing this off helps preserve them.