Monday, June 30, 2014


Welcome to ABC Wednesday.

The letter is "Y".

It's hard to believe that we have come to the end of YET another alphabet go around.

This first photo is our YOUNGER son and his new bride 16 YEARS ago.

They are celebrating their anniversary on July 4th, the U.S.A.'s birthday.

The next 5 photos I have entitled " YOUTH".

Last Saturday our son and our YOUNGEST Grandchild ran a race called

The Dirty Dash.

And they're off......

YOU have probably guessed why it's called The Dirty Dash....

YIKES.....Mud everywhere.

Slogging in mud must be exhausting.

Does this look like something YOU would like to attempt?

And they crossed the finish line!

Mission accomplished!

I'm sure there was lots of YELLING and hooting and cheering as they

completed the 5K mud run.

Too many YEARS have come and gone for me to attempt this "Fun".

Be sure to check out what others have posted for the letter " Y ".

YOU-all come back now...YA hear?


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are really, REALLY good sports!! Was there a prize or was it for charity or something else?

Meryl said...


What a wonderful post and yarn you weave!

Have a great week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the mud shots and YES i would do that. as a child my favorite summer thing was wading in mud puddles and making mud pies. even now i would get in that mud but i could not move fast as in a race.
i did NOT sit on the ground to take today's photos. if i get down i can't get up without help... i bend from the waist and sit the camera on the ground, i turn it and click turn and click, can't see what i am getting, just click until i can't bend any more which is not long and then check to see what i got.

Leslie: said...

What fun! If I were younger, I just might give that a try.

abcw team

Reader Wil said...

Well, there are enough people who would join the mud party!
BTW happy anniversary for your son and his wife!
I wish you a wonderful week.
Wil, ABCW Team

Roger Owen Green said...

Well, it COULD be fun...for THEM!

MaR said...

Happy anniversary to the young couple :)

Y is for...

Ann said...

I bet it could get heavy carrying all that over the finish line. Good for them.

Hilary said...

What fun. I think I would play in mud. Maybe. ;) Fine Y post. I thought you had just begun at A again.

Leovi said...

Stunning photos! Great race in the mud!

ellen b said...

Ahhh Youth! It's great to watch young people do what was so easy for me to do years ago!

Joy said...

As the song goes, "Mud, mud glorious mud, nothing quite like it for cooling the blood..." Fun photos. My preference might be for being a spectator:-)

Lmkazmierczak said...

Nice usage of the list of Y's...

Susan Moore said...

The mud run looks like fun - to watch :)
Wonderful photos - thanks for sharing the fun with us!

Hildred said...

That was a fun post!!

AmitAag said...

Y is for Young:)

lisa said...

Love you son's expression in his wedding shot! And the Dirty Dash looks like one muddy…but fun…mess. Our girls' high school seniors used to play mud volleyball during senior week. The results looked much the same!

Anonymous said...

No dirty dash for me, but it does make for funny pics:) Happy 4th!

Wanda said...

Sue ~ shame, shame that you would post something SO DIRTY...Tee Hee.
Oh to be young again...
You got some excellent dirty pics.

Rajesh said...

Good to see people having fun in dirty dash.

Trubes said...

Our lovely second daughter was married on the 4th of July 4 years ago.
I loved the mud race very brave to enter that!
Brilliant photos too,
Thanks for sharing,


LC said...

What a race! I don't think I could keep my balance in that race. The word "fun" fits but the only "y" word I can think of is yuck!

Happy anniversary to your son and wife!

Shammickite said...

ooooo now that is really Down and Dirty! I'd have a go but only if I didn't have to go home in my nice clean car!!!!