Monday, July 07, 2014


ZOWIE how did we get to the end of the alphabet so quickly?

This is it... the letter " Z "

This silver saddle was won by Walt Disney in the early 1930's.

A $2.00 raffle ticket made it his.

It was too heavy to be used for practical purposes but it was used on

ZORRO'S horse, Tornado, for close ups when the series was filmed for television

in the 1950's.

Hubby and I are having a wonderful time with our boys and their families this week.

Here is my ZANY younger son.

Multiply that by 2 and you have the ZANIEST brothers around.

They sure have more ZIP and energy than I do.

Of course when you add the daughters in law and cousins into the mix it makes for a


And so this is ZED....

The end.....

After 7 years of posting for the ABC Wednesdays series every week,

I feel in need of a break.

I will still be posting my own blog "stuff",

Just not on a consistent basis.

I'm sure I will pop back  to see all of the wonderful posts

at ABC Wednesday,

but for now

Its so long.....

I'm not going to end the sentence with a period

That's too final


see you later.....


Merisi said...

Zuper ABC Wednesday around here, Sue!
Enjoy your rest, I shall miss the fun, but I am sure you'll be back soon,

Wanda said...

Ziggity do dah. You finished ABC Wed. with a Zip! Love your Zany family pictures. Looks like lots of fun and love in those pictures.

You certainly need a well deserved break. Needless to say your fans, including me, will miss you. You can run, but you can't hide...HaHa..I know where you live! Tee Hee.

Ginny Hartzler said...

How did they do those pictures, it looks like they are levitating!! We all need a rest from blogging, commenting can take up the better part of the day. I hope you get to do anything you want while away from the computer!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a wonderful zany family you have and wow oh wow on those jumps in the air, both the jump and the photo of it.. sad to here you are leaving. hope you will pop in now and then when you can...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did see the not on consistent part.. and am glad you will post when you can... that is a long time to do the ABC thing

Shammickite said...

Hehehe lovely family pictures, you are so lucky to have your family all around you. I'm looking forward to your future posts as you seem to find so many interesting things and events to write about. And that's a great picture of you and your other half! Enjoy the summer... well, it's ALWAYS summer in California, isn't it????

Roger Owen Green said...

Leslie mentioned ZORRO too. And we're not even that old!


Rajesh said...

It is nice to see people having good time together.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Sue! Lovely post,with lots of fun. Thanks for your visit and comment, which made me feel very flattered, Don't think too good of me!
You deserve a rest, but we hope to see you often.I enjoyed reading your posts.
Wil, ABCW Team

Photo Cache said...

Zee you the next ABC time that you can manage. In the meantime, let me tell you how much I enjoyed your posts.

frankly my dear

Leslie: said...

I sure do understand that you've been at this ABCW for a long time. I've even considered taking a break but don't want to let Denise or Roger down. Have a break and I sure hope you come back. Always enjoy your posts.

abcw team

Hildred said...

Wonderful choices for Z - love your Zany sons - will miss you next round but I will be watching for your regular postings.

Leovi said...

A funny and clever play, love to fly!

kc bob said...

Hard to believe that you have been doing this on Wednesdays for 7 years Sue. Well done.

Susan Moore said...

Love your zany family pics! I'll stop by to visit your blog to see what you're up to. Have fun!

AmitAag said...

Great post again!

Lmkazmierczak said...

What an obscure fact about that saddle...loved reading your post. All the best♪

Joy said...

Love the fun fact about the saddle, I seem to remember that the Lone Ranger's saddle was pretty ornate too. You have ended your ABC contribution on a high (jump)but then your posts have always have an imaginative use of the letter.

Ann said...

The family picture is just zanny good. So fun with everyone enjoying it. Will miss your posts on ABC WED.,you always find SO MUCH.

Ann said...
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magiceye said...

Lovely takes on Zee!

Enjoy your break!

Gattina said...

Lots of Z you found ! My brain went on strike. I am in this meme since 2007 and will continue, probably one day you will be back too :) !

Trubes said...

You certainly have a zany family, seem to be great fun, real zest for life!
Sorry you're taking a break from abcw just as I'm getting going, I do understand the need for a break though!
Ironically, it was abcw that got me writing again on my blog site after a break of nearly two years..
Good luck and best wishes,