Friday, September 06, 2013


Sunrise last Sunday.
Storm was on the way.

Dusk last Sunday.

The approaching rain and thunderstorm last Sunday evening.

This week?

Temperatures at 100F.

Crazy weather.

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Carver said...

Lovely shots of the sky.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky views as always! Crazy weather indeed here in California, 106 here yesterday hopefully it will break tomorrow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular skies, all of these. God's creation at its best.. your skies look just like they were taken in Florida and now California... palms and trees are the same as we see here. have a great week end.

TexWisGirl said...

that top one looks like a splash in water! very neat skies!

Enigma said...

Thanks for visiting my site. LOVE your sky photos. The clouds against the stark blue sky are amazing! Thanks for sharing!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous sky shots!

Hilary said...

Beautiful skies. I love that first one the best. I'd take your 100 degrees weather. I feel like summer has passed me by and I'd gladly hang onto it, if I could.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Crazy temps, but beautiful skies!

Merisi said...

Gorgeous cloud formations and light! The first one if my favorite, a work of art.

I hope temperatures in your area reach a more temperature level soon!

A wonderful weekend to you and yours,

LC said...

You captured the awesome potential of nature with that storm on the move. Have a blessed Sunday.

Unknown said...

100 degrees.
Oh my.
You better come for a little Pennsylvania vacation!
Love to you. Have a beautiful Sunday.