Monday, September 09, 2013


Today's letter IS  " I ".
have been so busy that I haven't been on a photoshoot,
so IT'S back INTO the archives.

I am entitling this post


The first IMAGE shows the symbol for "I love you."

The world seems to be full of pain and sorrow.

I think this IMAGE depicts the troubled times we live IN.


I have Hope and I know where I am going.

This IS another painting that my friend Shane Grammer created.

Michaelangelo's Pieta is definitely an ICONIC  IMAGE.

This full size figure IS on a gentleman's private park.
He had IT bronze cast and sent to his home in Northern California
from Italy.
I believe there are only 200 exact replicas made.
The patina makes IT truly look like IT was chisled from marble.

I will leave you with a brilliant IMAGE of Summer.

Be sure to enlarge each IMAGE to see the detail.

I  IMAGINE you will want to go to my link and see what others
have posted for the letter " I ".

Thanks for leaving a comment.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

I believe your I's are perfect for the letter I and I love the painting and I love the Icons and Images. good job.. I is really hard

Merisi said...

Beautiful collection and symbols, Sue!
Have seen Michaelangeo's Pietà many times. I tried to figure out if I have seen it before it got damaged (later repaired), but I am not sure.

Wishing you a wonderful week,

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love that small heart on the train car, also the gorgeous full rose!!!

Roger Owen Green said...

Fine IMAGES, tho I'm partial to 316.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Roger Owen Green said...

Fine IMAGES, tho I'm partial to 316.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Photo Cache said...

great images for I.


Leslie: said...

That certainly IS a brilliant image of summer - absolutely gorgeous!

abcw team

Hildred said...

Great post, - love the Pieta.

Nonnie said...

exquisite roses! your friend's painting is so INDICATIVE of our times.
wow, how marvelous to have a copy of the Pieta!

Wanda said...

"I" forgot that "I" is the letter for this week.... "I" better get busy and find some "I's"... You have done a marvelous job with your "I's" "I'm" Impressed!!!!

Richard Lawry said...

Such jarringly different images. Very well done! An Arkie's Musings

LC said...

Heart-touching images closing with a summer rose that makes me think of idyllic summer times.

Leovi said...

Excellent compositions! I love those pictures! I think the first is my favorite!

Carver said...

You did a great job with the variety of different images.

Hazel said...

I never knew that's the symbol for love; glad you showed that. Amazing what a patina can do!


MaR said...

Imaginative and creative post, love all your choices!

I is for...

Ercotravels said...

nice and INTERESTING :)

Joy said...

The heart is a sweet symbol found in an unusual place, great find. Gorgeous rose as summer slips away.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of contrasting images.

Joe Barone said...

Pain and sorrow picture is really striking.