Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Welcome to ABC Wednesday and the letter " G ".
I am calling this post


The post I entered on May 6, 2013 talked about Kenya, Africa
and our time there.
I posted a picture of the little GIRL we now support monthly
through Compassion International.

Several weeks after that we received a letter from the GIRL'S Pastor.
It thanked us for helping her.

When I read the pastor's name I realized that our little Yiamat
lived in the same Bush Village in Namuncha where we stayed
for 2 weeks.

Of all the chidren we could have chosen,
we chose one
we possibly talked to and played with during our time there.

Isn't that incredible?

I believe GOD put us together because we will always have
Africa in our hearts.

So when our friend was returning to Kenya (see June 29, 2013)
we sent a GIFT to her.

And now, the rest of the story.

This is Yiamat in her school uniform.

We just received this updated photo.

She just celebrated her 7th birthday.

Because of our monthly GIFT, Yiamat is able to go to school.

I think her eyes are GORGEOUS and full of kindness.

Make sure you enlarge the pictures to really see her.

A Very Special GIFT.

Just last night I was GIVEN the most wonderful,
beautiful GIFT.
Yiamat's Mother made this traditional Massai
necklace as a token of GRATITUDE.
She is so thankful for the help we are GIVING her

I am so GRATEFUL that our friend brought it back
for me.

This truly is a GENEROUS  GIFT of love.

The feeling GOES both ways.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

G is for God is Good and Great and she is adorable and the photos came through Great this time

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is funny in the telling but i nearly stroked out while it was happening, the time was about half and hour but it felt like a whole day. all is well that ends well..

Leslie: said...

This actually brought tears to my eyes...she is a gorgeous little girl and how kind of her mother to send you that special gift!

abcw team

Reader Wil said...

A beautiful post about a beautiful little girl! Gift is a great word for this week.
Your post is a gift to us.
Have a great week!
Wil, ABCW Team

Meryl said...

Oh how uplifting!!! Your gift has spread to us all.

Indrani said...

This is wonderful! How well you fit to theme!

Carver said...

Great post and so wonderful that she is from the village that you visited. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Roger Owen Green said...

all good gifts!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Ginny Hartzler said...

that necklace is so beautiful, I could never make anything like it. It is too bad that there is probably not a venue to sell them somewhere, I think a lot of people would buy them. Yiamit is very beautiful also, but her eyes are full of sorrow to my thinking.

Joy said...

One of the wonders of the world of coincidences. The necklace is lovely and so to is the gift of education to the little girl.

Leovi said...

Yes, wonderful photos! I love gifts!

Hildred said...

Beautiful gifts, - both of them - your gift of help and the mother's gift of gratitude. Love is what makes the world go round....

AphotoAday said...

Thanks, Sue for all the good work you and your husband do.

Hazel said...

You're right about Yiamat's eyes. I noticed them too first glance at her photo. God bless your generous hearts.


Anonymous said...

the best gift is the gift of eductation. more power to you and your church.

Gerald (SK14) said...

a Great set of Gs

LC said...

Ditto Leslie on the tears. I am reminded of my late MIL whose giving continues to make a difference, although she is physically gone.

The craftsmanship of the mother's gift is wonderful. All a part of the plan for you, her and Yiamat that God has for you all.

Rajesh said...

Superb post.

Beverley Baird said...

What a great gift indeed! And what a lovely gift the mother made for you!

Wanda said...

Oh the lives you and Dave have touched. God created to very special people when he made you!

I love that your love and generosity is so far reaching...even to us Slaven's. Y

This story, and all your pictures of Africa are thrilling.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

How nice that you are able to help out this girl. It must be a wonderful feeling.

Lise said...

What a lovely post, and how special is the gift of love that you share with each other!

Patrycja (photoopassion) said...

Very nice and interesting post.
And a nice atmosphere to your blog.
Have a nice day! Greetings!

Patricia & Daniel

Unknown said...

Oh, I love this so much. What a beautiful girl. What a beautiful gift. You inspire me.