Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The las two weeks have been so busy that I am late with my
ABC Wednesday post.

This will be a short and sweet theme called " eXtreames".

X marks the spot on this eXtreamely old tire.

Summer is suppose to be hot and dry for us here on the West Coast
of California.

Yesterday and today were rain and yucky weather.
It wasn't great for the adults at our Breakaway Summer Camp
at church...but the kids loved getting wet and messy.

The eXtreame will be Friday when the temperature soars to

I think when the temperature goes to that eXtreame we will want
to be sheared and cool like this little Alpaca.

Be sure to check the rest of the X posts on my sidebar link.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

He really IS sheared! And his fur will cost a fortune once is made into clothes and scarves.

Reader Wil said...

Thank you for your extremely interesting post!
Have a lovely week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

ChrisJ said...

Well we didn't get the rain that you did, just humidity. Going to get hotter in a day or two. Weren't you lucky to find that X.

Roger Owen Green said...

But it has been eXtremely dry and warm in the nearby states in the Rockies
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

John Roberts said...

I love the threatening sky!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of images.

Leslie: said...

I don't think I could survive in a climate like that...I'd never go outside! We lived in Ottawa for 3 years and the first thing we did was install air conditioning!

abcw team

Kate said...

105 degrees is pretty darn hot! Kate, ABC Team

Anonymous said...

That poor little guy looks like he could use a sweater, even though it looks as if he is wearing one already.

Shammickite said...

I think the pic of the bare naked alpaca might be X-RATED!!!!!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Xtra good X's today. love that little llama.. and wow on the size of those tires...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oops forgot to say 103???? yikesola and I am complaining that last night at 7 it was still 90..

Hildred said...

What a sweetheart! A great post.

Joy said...

Great X spot on the tyre, I've had a few of those when they say no thats kaput. Boy those are some bubbling clouds.

Hilary said...

Love these. The nude alpaca and that lovely sky. Xtremely well done.

LC said...

That little alpaca doesn't look eXtremely pleased with the haircut, but I'll bet the absence of a heavy coat will feel better as the temperatures soar.

Stay cool and hydrated!