Monday, June 17, 2013


Time has flown by and WE are now at the letter " W "

I have to admit that my photos, this time, WANDER all over the

The next two WEEKS  WILL be very busy for me.

Our annual Church kids camps WILL be taking place.

My Hubby and I  are WORKING at the camps, so please be
patient WITH me.

I like the WEATHERED look of the WINDOW I photographed
several years ago.

Perhaps I can call this  A  WINDOW of Opportunity....

After all of the running around for our Church Kid's Camp
I think WE  WILL need to use this Footsie WOOTSIE machine.

There is nothing like WINDING down WITH a good foot

I saw this poster at the Sacramento Gold Rush Days a WHILE Back.

It has lots of terrific W's.


It is a WRY commentary on the value of Orphans.

From the Gold Rush to Rushing WINDS.

Here are WIND turbines that harness the power of the air and turn
it into energy.

Enlarging the photos WILL show more detail.

Don't forget to WANDER over to my sidebar link to see
WHAT others have posted for the letter " W ".

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Kate said...

Yu really do go to camp quite often!!

You are always so prompt with your ABC post. Truly a remarkable and WONDERFUL participant! Kate, ABC Team

Ginny Hartzler said...

Are these foot massagers? I have never seen ones like these. That little window look like it would be in an old jailhouse...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Well, I Wandered through your post and you found lots of W's.. my favorite is that pony express sign.

Reader Wil said...

Excellent! I like the Footsie Wootsie machine. I have never seen such an apparatus!
Have a wonderful week!
Wil, ABCW Team


These are all Wonderful and that pony express sign is just amazing! I love your windmills - so modern and sleek.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Way to go on your wonderful W's.

ChrisJ said...

I love photos of old weather-beaten windows. I need to find one to paint I think.

Ann said...

Well I featured a windmill but its a vintage one and not one of the new wind machines. I love the sign and the foot massage machines. The old weathered building and window is divine.

Roger Owen Green said...

You brought a great WINDOW to the WORLD!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Meghan said...

Great pics! I think I like the window of opportunity the best.

Unknown said...

Footsy wootsy? That sounds like a great massage - wonder where I can get one of those? Still laughing at that want ad!

imac said...

Great shots but love that window shot

gregory urbano said...

wow... wonderful... wicked.. with passion!