The time is RAPIDLY moving along on this session of ABC
We are already at the letter " R ".
REFLECTIONS is the title of the first two photos in my series.
I love the RADIANT colors of the REFLECTIONS
REVEALED in the bottles and Autumn trees.
Sometimes I miss seeing the Ocean everyday.
I miss watching the waves wash in and RECEDE.

REMEMBER to enlarge all of the photos to see the detail more
Hilary of Smitten Image, suggested I REDO this shot in black and white.
I RATHER like it and agree with her.
To see it in color, RETURN to my previous post and scroll to the
third from the last photo.
RUN, don't walk over to my Favorites link on the sidebar to see
what others have chosen for the letter "R".
Your tide shot is SOOO unusual! And I love your pretty blue and green bottles!
A wonderful collection here, Sue. The colours and reflections in the first two are so appealing to the eye. The surf in the third image looks like spilled sugar.. so lovely. And I'm very flattered that you tried that street photo in black and white. Thanks for that. It looks great! :)
Your "R" pictures are great. I have been absent for a few weeks, but finally I'm back on target. Will link up tomorrow.
that is a magnificent catch of the tide receding. and the first reflection looks like a painting... love the bottles in the second one because i love bottles and glass.
glad you did the redo.. she was right it looks great in black and white. R is for Really great R material.
Great captures, the one with the tide is really special.
Looking at these photos, I'm reminded of why I've always appreciated the way you see the world through a viewfinder.
Thanks for the ocean reminder: I need to get back to the edge of the planet, too. Something about that place...
I like them all, but those first reflections are great! Nice photos.
a nice RANGE of photos here!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Great pictures. The B&W version is very good . Sometimes B&W photos are stronger and more impressive. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for visiting me. Yes babies are certainly thinking and wondering what everybody is doing and trying to copy us. She also knows what makes us laugh. She is a really funny little thing!
Yap that picture in bw is spectacular, it's good in color too. But in bw, it feels like it's from a scene West Side Story.
I like the last shot in B&W too, gives it a gritty, realistic feeling.
Fantastic sequence of shots. I love the reflections and the ocean receding is very beautiful. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
I love your reflections and I agree I think the b&w version of the photo of the guys hanging out is much better than the color.
These are all beauties - I love the reflections and especially love that last one in b&w!
More great shots for our R week!
abcw team
Love your reflections!! lovely shots and great choices as always :)
R is for...
i love your photos of the tide...beautiful pattern and textures. and the serene reflections.
"R"eally great photos - all of them!
Gorgeous photography and the Reflections in both are simply marvelous!! The receding tide makes me want to be there watching it!! Loved the sharpness and details in the B/W picture!!
Nice "R" pictures !
ABC Wednesday
Real Great Rssss
The coloured reflections in the first photo are stunning, its almost like oil paints on water. Changing the photo to black and white makes it timeless.
I think the first picture is gorgeous, colors so vibrant.
The reflections were wonderful. And the b and w conversion really did convey a different mood. Can't believe time has flown so fast and z is not too far away. Your blog was one of the first if not the first I started following at some point after I started my blog in November 2009, and I have so enjoyed your alphabetical observations and images.
I am glad you are sponsoring. I used to do a combine sponsoring and raised funds.
your waves are very clean. I was staying by the ocean for 3 weeks, and at night, it sounded like thunder storms.
Beautiful reflections!
My apologies for the late visit.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
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