Monday, April 15, 2013


NOW we are NEARING the half way point of ABC Wednesday.

The first word that came to mind was NATURE.
Our backyard is bursting with NEW life.

The trees are sprouting NEW leaves.

Our grapes have begun winding their tendrils around the trellis wire.

Some poppies have decided to set up housekeeping in the rough
and (k)NOBBY cinderblock wall.

NATURE seems to be smiling kindly on our Almonds this year.
I hope they will develop into some tasty NUGGETS.
Last year the NUTS  NEVER developed into good food.

The wisteria blossoms are trying so hard to survive the NAUGHTYwind we had.
The wind was determined to (k)NOCK every petal from the bush.

A big thank you to Denise NESBITT for encouraging us by posting
ABC Wednesday every week.

Please enlarge the photos to see the detail and then go to the
ABC link on my sidebar to see what others have posted for the
letter N.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the new green leaves against that blue blue sky in the first one. and yum on almonds.. i like that new green in the brick wall to. i just love the color of brand new green, so brilliant.

LC said...

Thanks for a close-up view of spring around your home.Hope those almonds and grapes produce for you!

Kate said...

The peek into spring images are very welcomed and especially NICE for those of us who are awaiting renewal here in the Midwest. Kate, ABC Team

Anonymous said...

Warm greetings among rapidly melting snow and wet backyard ! Your beautiful photos bring a spring to me. Hares have eaten my crocuses, now I am waiting for daffodils.
I wish you and your husband health and happiness !

Hilary said...

Nice! I've never actually seen almonds growing. I sure hope they turn out this year. I'd love to see them at harvest time.

Marleen said...

Spring is a wonderful time. I love all your choices for N!

Roger Owen Green said...

these are all very NICE!

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of nature starting new in your yard.

Leslie: said...

Isn't Mother Nature wonderful...she makes us wait and wait and wait, but finally it's been worth the wait. Love all the greenery and other colours here. Have a fantastic week,

abcw team

Leovi said...

Yes, beautiful plants to represent nature, beautiful photos!

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for these promising signs of spring! You wouldn't believe it probably, but we have had two sunny days!!
Have a nice and sunny week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Anonymous said...

nicely done.

artmusedog and Carol said...

So many N words and great photos for ABC ^_^

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice N post

Indrani said...

New leaves, new spirits!
Very inspiring!


How inspiring to see the new-ness of the season and all of nature bursting forth! The best time of year:)

Hildred said...

Nature covers a lot of subject matter and you have made some great choices. Lovely to have spring, - off and on!

MaR said...

Lovely post for N, beautiful pictures!

N is for..

Rajesh said...

Beautiful images from nature.

Nanka said...

I loved those blooms and all lovely pictures as always!!
My N - Nightingale

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We have been having much wind this spring also. I hope that your almonds are better this year. How nice to have your own fresh nuts!

Ann said...

Wonderful new nature. Love all the new sprouts.

Unknown said...

Such awesome and Nice New growth. Love your photos.

Lise said...

Almond nuggets are really cool, I've never seen them before. I am being introduced to a lot of New things through ABCWednesday this week! Lucky me!

Linnea said...

Those are all the words that first came to my mind too! Lovely collection of shots you're sharing here. Thanks for visiting mine.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

since your knees are hurting from osteo walking is not good. that is why i go to the pool. i was in pain from hip, knee and back all from osteo A.... within 2 weeks of the pool exercise the pain was gone. if i walk to much it comes back. so i do 30 minutes in the pool and the 15 of walking. walking on a treadmill is a no no, doc said walk on grass or do the pool. hope you have access to a pool, it is truly a miracle what it does

Chrezelle said...
