Monday, April 08, 2013


This is MONDAY and what else could I post for ABC Wednesday
letter M, but MEXICO?
Just a few MORE shots of our MISSION trip and an example of
our MAKING a Difference.

The photo above and the ones below were taken by Brian of the
Church photo team.

MAKING a difference in peoples lives ....

These two shots show what the family was living in before and the
home that was built for them.

Our teams built 9 homes in 5 days!

Local Pastors chose who the recipients would be.

The family is getting ready to accept the keys to their new home.

A local MEXICAN fish MONGER.
I have to admit I probably wouldn't purchase it MYSELF.

And just a lighthearted look at some MALLARDS from another
time and another place.

Be sure to enlarge the photos to enjoy the detail.

MOSEY over to the ABC link on MY sidebar to see what others
have posted for the letter M.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

he did a fantastic job of taking the photos, so real i feel i am there. i did enlarge and i think they must have made the slide show bigger and better. really good photos and that house they were living in blows my mind. i am betting someone else will move in it... fantastic to build that many houses in so short a time. love the ducks.. i am with you the fish no way

Ginny Hartzler said...

Splendid variety of images from your trip!

Wanda said...

Love your Mexico Trip pictures. They really tell the story. All you M's are Marvelous!

Unknown said...

I am so thankful you could go and make a difference in Mexico. So very thankful.

Nanka said...

Happy Monday Morning Mission and so many happy M pictures!!Marvelous!!

Anonymous said...

Wow ! 9 Homes in 9 days ~ Brava ~ I commend you for making very big difference in many lives ~ Great shots for M ^_^

Marleen said...

Nice captures and respect for the work you all did!

Roger Owen Green said...

I've been to Mexico but twice, and not in over a decade.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Ann said...

What a great honor to build churches through missionary work. Our church builds orphanges and wells in India. I would love to go on one our trips. Thanks for your comment on my motto post--enjoyed both of yours.

Richard Lawry said...

America would be a better place if every American had a chance to make a difference in another country. Being involved with a project like this changes a persons outlook.

An Arkies Musings

Rajesh said...

Wonderful. Your team is doing great work.

Reader Wil said...

I agree with Richies: America would be a better place, even the world would be better if every human being was acting like you and your friends.Thank you for sharing.
Wil,ABCW Team.

Leslie: said...

I have always thought I'd like to participate in building homes like that, but I just don't have the physical strength to do it. Instead, I donate. But I'm very impressed with those who can and do!

abcw team

Meryl said...

What a Marvelous MIX of "M"s.

Have a great week!


So many marvelous things to see here! I love that your trip brought so much richness to so many people, including us.

Unknown said...

I feel your excitement about that family receiving the keys to a house, just because you have made the sacrifice to be there!!

ChrisJ said...

Making a difference -- such a great calling. We have about eight resident duck couples on the creek at our new home -- wonder how many ducklings there will be!

MaR said...

Fantastic initiative and colorful pictures. I simply love the mallards you captured!

m is for ...

Carver said...

Great shots. I always enjoy your posts about your Mexico mission trips.

Mai said...

What a wonderful mission! Great memories of Mexico.

PhenoMenon,ABCW Team said...

I just covered another blog on Mexico !!Sounds like a place where the voluntary action work is..
Real nice work

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team

Jannibele said...

Fantastic things you do for other people. All honour to you. Just went to Mexico myself and had a marvelous time. So did you I can see from you photos:)Thanks for dropping by my M post.

Hildred said...

Great post, and wonderful accomplishments in Mexico.

AphotoAday said...

"M"agnifique! Hope you "m"ade a "m"ajor difference in "m"any lives. Put "m"e on your list. I could probably "m"urder about 200lbs of that tri-tip "m"eat all by "m"yself!

Chubskulit Rose said...

May God bless you more for doing the mission.

Making my rounds for letter M.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

ZielonaMila said...

Great post:) Greetings

LC said...

What a great way to share God's love. And I am thankful for wonderful volunteers and organizers who do savvy planning. Nine homes in five days is amazing.