Thursday, November 15, 2012


Here is a photo of one of my favorite places to visit.
I took this a few weeks ago in the high country of Lake Tahoe.
Please enlarge the photo to get the full effect.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did bigify it and it is so perfect it looks man made or fake. like in a Hallmark movie. fantastic view.
Ginny is ok, but not good. she has a perforated colon and needs to have surgery to remove sections but her health is not stable enough to do the surgery. they are about to try experimental drugs. the surgeon says it would be very dangerous for her to have the surgery and he wants to try everything he can before they even think of it. when she has an attack she has to go to ER and get IV for several hours, so they can give mega doses of antibiotics that can't be given by mouth of shot.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did bigify it and it is so perfect it looks man made or fake. like in a Hallmark movie. fantastic view.
Ginny is ok, but not good. she has a perforated colon and needs to have surgery to remove sections but her health is not stable enough to do the surgery. they are about to try experimental drugs. the surgeon says it would be very dangerous for her to have the surgery and he wants to try everything he can before they even think of it. when she has an attack she has to go to ER and get IV for several hours, so they can give mega doses of antibiotics that can't be given by mouth of shot.

Wanda said...

Oh I miss you and Dave, and I miss Tahoe.... When can we go again... probably not till Spring. Will you wait for me????

Sylvia K said...

Ah, the memories this shot invoked!! I do love Tahoe!! Terrific capture and gorgeous skies as well! Have a great weekend!!

The Write Girl said...

Beautiful view from Lake Tahoe. Thanks for sharing!

Hilary said...

What a lovely spot. I can see why it's one of your favourite places.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful scene and a lovely photo. Happy Skywatching!

Lea said...

Happy Sky Watch Friday!
Lea's Menagerie

Laloofah said...

Perfect spot for a picnic! (Perfect weather for it, too, from the looks of that lovely sky!)

I'm glad you encourage people to view the larger versions of your photos, it really does make a difference and I find that most visitors seldom do it.

kc bob said...

Beautiful sky Sue!
Have a great weekend!

imac said...

What a nice blue sky

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear you are still battling the cold.. and rain makes it feel worse. or it does for me.

Dave said...

That's very rocky countryside Sue.