The letter for ABC Wednesday is " S ".
What could say it more SUCCINCTLY than the word
I took this SHOT in Las Vegas last year.
Then there is the SILENT STILL SUNRISE
with it's SOFT colors.
I think these all SAY
descriptions of the letter " S ".
Don't forget to enlarge the photos to get the full view.
Gorgeous pictureS!
Interesting to see a Sphinx so new and shiny. ;-)
i am thinking VegaS with an S at the end? these are awesome where ever they are and I and Sandra with and S signing here
Always love your tour of photos.
I will always remember Vegas, it was were I had my worst gall bladder attack, and came home and had surgery!
Like to go back under different circumstances. HaHa
Those clouds do look edible - popcorn anyone? What lovely photos!
abcw team
I think Las Vegas is an odd place - Egypt, Paris, NYC all within an easy drive.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Scrumptious is a great word! And I love that orange staircase! Have a wonderful week!
Wonderful photos for 'S' ~ lovely ~ (A Creative Harbor)
I like the way you create your entries for ABC Wednesday! Always with great care and beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.
Wil, ABC Team.
Superb photos and words for S. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
yay for S, and all the lovely shots you showed today.
Terrific shots, love the cloud reflections.
I used a sphinx, too, but mine was in Egypt - nice shots!
You've got some great S photos (the "semi-spiral staircase" is especially clever!), as well as some super candidates for SkyWatch Friday! Love the sky with the pyramid and Sphinx in the foreground, but my favorite is the one through the glass ceiling. So pretty!
Succinct AND spectacular! A great line of of "S's-especially loved your sof sunset...
Ah such a great word for S. A sphinx has always fascinated me since I saw a photo of it the first time in a Bible Storybook (when I was a kid). I made a guess before reading your post. You went to Egypt :) But this was fun.
Your s photos are simply splendid. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
The sphinx is a great post for "S"--Kate, ABC Team
Just gorgeous!
Hooray, I finally get my PC back so I am playing catch up with all of the S entries this week.
SketcheS, please come and see.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
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