Thursday, November 01, 2012


Our rain has been gentle and water for the thirsty land.
Not so on the East Coast of the United States.
Praying for all those in dire situations today.

Beautiful Fall colors.

Many of our trees just haven't gotten into their Autumn finery yet.
A few raindrops have rinsed the Summer dust away.

The rain shared a diamond or two for our enjoyment.

Be sure to enlarge the photos to enjoy the detail.

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Wanda said...

Lovely rain and autumn colors. No rain here... I'm glad as Don's 75th BD party is Saturday.... and I don't need rain. We are celebrating early, as so many family other things schedules for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sending thoughts of love and sunshine.


Hilary said...

Lovely rainy day shots, Sue. That little statue is so cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that statue is beautiful and your diamond rain drop is dazzling. so are the red daisies...

AphotoAday said...

Love that third photo of the leaves... Very nice.

LC said...

Lovely photos. Water droplets on leaves, twigs or flowers always work magic on me, creating a desire to snuggle up with a good pillow and a good book!

Re comment on my redwoods post--You articulated so aptly what I experienced. And camping would have intensified the experience even more.

I think Hubby is gradually coming around to the possibility of meeting blogging friends. And I am hoping this is not the last of our West Coast visits! So may see you at the diner one day!

Kate said...

Is the top photo a sculpture or painting? I like it, whatever it is!

Dave said...

Nice photos sue. I specially liked the last one with the rain drop on the leaf - Dave

Dawning Inspiration said...

An ex boyfriend would laugh at me right now - enjoying the rain and the sound of it. Praying for those on the East coast as well... your photos are lovely.

Reader Wil said...

How lovely these photos are. The drop of rain hanging on the leaves makes it extra precious.