Today we are at one of the more difficult word letters of the
It's the letter " Q ".
The first word that came to my mind was
I had no QUALMS about showing this photo for the word.
This Summer we discovered some QUAIL eggs out in the field.
I hope they survived.
We didn't see any birds around.
QUAKING Aspen leaves are a sure sign of Fall.
The leaves QUIVERED in the slight breeze at Sorenson's Resort.
On our Kenya Safari a few years ago we saw vast herds of
Cape Buffalo.
They are QUITE unpredictable.
Our driver had to be prepared to make a QUICK exit
if these beasts decided to charge.
We needed to be QUIET and not disturb them.
We didn't QUESTION that at all.
Enlarging the photos will give more detail.
Love your photos.
Love your "Q" pictures and captions. You were wondering what I would find in my kitchen with "Q"...come on over and have some!!
Love you.
I love the first photo.. and that face of the buffalo is amazing. And so is your ability to create these letter posts. Always fun.
i would be quivering with delight to see one of those cape buffalo and i also would quiver with delight if I could walk up those steps in all that quiet beauty. this morning it was so quiet at sunrise i could hear the little devil squirrels chewing on the pine cones for the nuts in them.
Oh what a wonderful visit through"Q" I love the photo of the quivering aspen leaves - beautiful colors and textures.
Thanks for the Quick Q visit - it is always so pleasant and relaxing! Have a great week.
I had never seen quail eggs before.
Quite a qute post - my friend,lol.
quite extraordinary. i love the quaking aspens this time of the year.
A terrific Q post, great photos!
You did a fantastic job with Q. The quail eggs are so beautiful to me. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
a bit of peace and QUIET would be greatly appreciated!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
i enjoyed your Q words and photos. the buffalo looks curious.:p
Great post for "Q",I liked the Quaking Aspens best!
Considering it's a difficult letter, you did a QUITE marvelous job! Love your photo of the water buffalo...hopefully, that was on telephoto! :D
abcw team
I LOVE quaking Aspen leaves. We used to have a lot of quail around here. I remember seeing a momma quail leading her brood behind her along the fence when we first moved here, forty years ago.
Lovely shots and how privileged uou were to be able to view the quail eggs - thanks for sharing - jane uk
Beautiful Q words ! And what's more the right photos accompanying them! Thank you for always taking part in the ABC meme.
Wil, ABC Team.
your photos seem to come alive on my laptop screen...
thanks for dropping by my Q entry
hope to see you again in my blog!
You found quiet a lot of Q words !
BTW my hubby never misses a Formular 1 race !
wow! Lots of great photos and words for 'Q' for ABC ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
Quail eggs, one of my favorite!
Would you mind pitching an answer?
Love the variety of colors in your photos Sue!
The cape buffalo reminds me of the Philippine carabao.
Que Sera Sera
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
Your photo makes the steps past the aspens look a delight.
Such great Q pictures. I love the Colorado Aspens and their leaves quaking. Quail eggs--great capture.
Your first photo of the sun among the clouds looks great when enlarged Sue - Dave
The Q photos are nice to see. I like that buffalo picture a lot.
Great photos! And I am so jealous; a photo safari is on my bucket list, but there are times I fear it will never happen.
Enjoyed your queue of Q photos. But the first of quiet sun splendorwas fantastic.
Quite the line up of q's and images! Especially loved the quaking aspens.
Very nice (and abundant) Qs. My fav is the quaking aspens. Thanks for your visit, too.
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