Monday, November 07, 2011


Here we are again at the ABC Letter " Q ".
It always has me in a QUANDRY over what to post.
Fortunately, Disneyland again pulled me out of the
QUAGMIRE of photo choices.
The QUEEN of Hearts from Alice In Wonderland
QUALIFIED as the perfect " Q " word.

Look at that face.
Does it make you QUIVER and QUAKE?
I don't want her to QUARREL with me or yell
"Off with Her Head!"

Here is a QUIZZICAL and QUEER picture I took a
While back.
Its certianly not a QUALITY photograph.
While driving down Highway 80, this QUIXOTIC casket
sped QUICKLY by the passenger's side of our car.
Where this QUAINT carriage was going, I haven't a clue.
It certainly got my attention.

I call this last shot: The QUIET before the storm.
I think it has a feeling of QUINTESSENCE to it.
I hope you enjoyed the QUARTET of photos I posted today.
Be sure to check out the QUANTITY of pictures and thoughts
others have posted for the letter " Q ".

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Olivier said...

j'aime bien les photos de la reine ;o)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I wouldn't want to tangle with that weird and wild looking queen!!! Or else I may end up in that carriage!

young-eclectic-encounters said...

Delightful post you have such a wonderful way with both words and photos

Dave said...

Nice photos of the Alice in Wonderl;and Queen Sue. Great use of the letter 'Q' too! - Dave

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the queen is just a tad ugly, just a tad, but the photo is great. and i like the Quizzical carriage shot

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like your Q photos...neat. I always like photos of the sky too.

I saw you at Sandra's blog...I am a photowannabe too:)

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

That Queen makes me think of the line, "Off with their heads!". And, sends me quivering, for sure!

MaR said...

Always a great collection of words and pictures!!

Q is for quadruped

Carver said...

You did a great job with the letter Q.

Roger Owen Green said...

why does the queen always remind me of Fred Flintstone?

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Meryl said...

I love your Queen!!!! and the photo of the sky and clouds is stunning.

Hazel said...

Very nice Q post. "stop saying 'off with their heads' in case someone screams 'off with yours'" Do you remember the queen's facial expression when Alice said that? :) Happy Wednesday.

Leslie: said...

The Queen of Hearts scared me to death as a child! (She still does!) Love all your words and photos!

abcw team

Nanka said...

LOL!! I agree with ROG!!
You have used so many Q's and utilized them well too!! The last capture is marvelous!! The grand quiet in the sky!! Enjoyed the quality quartet that you have presented so very well!!

Lisa said...

Leave it to Disney to come through in a pinch! Perfect words for Q-day. i absolutely love the sky capture.

Tina´s PicStory said...

great Q! most i like the last pic :)

Karen said...

A great Q post!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. That queen seems a little scary. :)

Rinkly Rimes said...

She seems to be enjoying her reputation!

imac said...

Very Questful.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

As always - you pick a wonderful subject for the letter - loved this post

Hildred said...

Great photos for the letter Q, - loved the last one.

Gigi Ann said...

Oh, I enjoyed the Quartet of photos, it's always a treat to visit you each week.

Hilary said...

Brilliant as always, Sue.

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful! I wasn't fond of the witch - she looks near-bad. The hearse is unusual and surely the sky is gorgeous. Your narrative is always so cleverly composed!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That's a lot of Qs, Are there more evil queens than good queens?

Angi said...

great post. love how you presented the 'q'

Kim, USA said...

Oh looks like the queen is mad? ^_^ Happy Wednesday!ABC

Chubskulit Rose said...

I always look forward to your letter entries!

Find out what Quiet is for my kids.

Joy said...

You have made the queen look quite spooky in the first photo. Pretty carriage definitely the way to go if you are not one of the quick (living).

ChrisJ said...

Photowannabe, you are are the queen of ABC Wednesday in my eyes! Every post astounds me. You never run out of words! How do you do it?!

Leena said...

Yes, Sue, I believe you are right from our summer and your winter but everything is so comparable :)

Your Wednesday post is again so cheerful.

The Poet said...

WoW! You were certainly inspired by the letter "Q".
Awesome photos!
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment.

Queen Of Flowers