Thursday, November 10, 2011


What you say?
This doesn't look like Fall?
Our Manzanita tree blooms with soft pink bell shaped
flowers and these beautiful orange colored balls every
Don't forget to enlarge the photo.
Enjoy the weekend everyone.
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Ginny Hartzler said...

This picture is so much better enlarged. I have never heard of a Manzanita tree. And both the orange and delicate pink grow on the same tree? These beautiful little bumps on the orange ball look like rain or dew.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen such a thing as that orange ball. What kind of manzanita is that?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful photo and love that orange ball.

imac said...

Real colour for Autumn.

kc bob said...

LOL. Do you all have seasons in California?

Dave said...

That looks nice and very colourful Sue - Dave

Hilary said...

Oh what a sight for November-weary eyes.

Tim said...

Fall colors, what different view of Autumn from where I live. :)

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I've never seen the orange ball before. It doesn't look quite real. Fascinating. Is it a seed capsule?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our city is home to South Eastern Guide dogs and we see them every where. both companion and seeing eye dogs are amazing. I attended a wedding of a blind man and his best man was his black lab seeing eye dog and the flower girl was his retired seeing eye dog, a golden lab, she walked down the aisle with rose petals in baskets hanging from her sides. i cried all through the wedding
i just had someone tell me their church just spit down the middle because some wanted service dogs in the church and others did not. I am flabbergasted

Louise said...

This isn't manzanita. It's probably Arbutus Xalapensis.