Friday, October 14, 2011


I know this is a repeat of my last post. I'm just trying
to figure out a posting difficulty I seem to be having.

Fall flowers
I love the yellows and golds of Autumn.

I really like the curves of this seed pod.
It almost looks like a ballerina dancing.

My pomogranetes are just ripe for the picking.
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Shammickite said...

I hope you got the posting difficulty fixed. Meanwhile, these are great photos.... I love the fall.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the post i wrote on earlier today only had the first photo, not these gorgeous and brilliant colored ones.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your seed pod looks like Queen Anne's Lace. LOVE the pomogranete, the picture is a work of art!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely photos, all worth repeating!

Anita said...

You have such an appreciation of nature. It shows!

Hope you got your problem figured out. Technical issues can be so frustrating.

Dave said...

Its nice to see your photos anyway Sue :-) Dave

John Roberts said...

The lighting and composition on the pomegranate is beautiful!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Lovin' the colors... so pretty!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful! I love the view of the pomegranite.
Karen Schmautz

LC said...

Missed the previous post and enjoyed the repeat of fall color in the foliage, flower and pomegranete ripe with promise. The texture and shape of the seed pod was intriguing. Good job. Hope the posting challenges are resolved.