Friday, July 01, 2011


I'm thankful for our Freedom which was bought with a price.
Happy Independence Day, America.
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jel said...

hope ya have a safe on too :)

Wanda said...

Happy 4th to you too. Are you able to relax this weekend, or do you alreay have your plate full?

We're taking it easy at home. There is a local parade in the morning on Monday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a stunning flag photo! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Merisi said...

A wonderful 4th weekend to you and yours, Sue!

I enjoyed looking and reading through your latest posts immensely. Love the creative way you capture the world and the sense of humor that shines through your texts.
Much affection,
(And yes, I graduated! *smile*)

Unknown said...

Me too. So thankful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

very beautiful flag, thank you and Happy 4th

Tim said...

We do have a lot to be thankful for.

John Roberts said...

Happy 4th to you and your family! Stay cool!

Shammickite said...

Happy 4th of July to you and your family! Enjoy the fireworks.

kc bob said...

I am thankful too Sue. Have a great day!

Dave said...

Happy Independence Day Sue - Dave

Hilary said...

Happy 4th to you and yours, Sue.

Anonymous said...

Happy Independence day to you and yours Sue!
and thank you for your visit and comment!
I am very busy during these summer months with grandchildren and most my photos are and will be about them, only for family sites.
I have found Shutterfly sites, where I have collected family photos and videos too.
Regards Leena