Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Its hard to believe we are at the next to the last letter of the
We have arrived at the letter " Y ".
The YELLOW railings zig zagging up the walkway caught my eye.
I do hope my selection of photos from my archives won't
Life has just been too busy.
I haven't shot anything new for a while.

Two cousins at a wedding.
One is YOUNG, but the other is YOUNGER.
In fact,
I guess YOU would call them YOUNGSTERS.


Now here are two wonderful people that are truly
YOUNG at Heart!
I have to admit that I don't YEARN for hair that color though.
I hope when I get to be their age I will be willing to
YIELD to the activities and be YOUNG at Heart too.

Lastly, we are looking at a Toll sign at one of nine
covered bridges located in California.
This single span bridge goes over the South YUBA River.
As you can see, the cost of crossing the river was quite
It was built in 1862 and was used for transport
to the mining camp of Bridgeport.
The mines in this area produced some of the richest placer
deposits of that YELLOW treasure called Gold.
Thanks for YOUR attention .
If YOU have a YEN to see what others have posted
for the letter "Y" ,
just go to my ABC link on my sidebar.
As always, enlarging the photos will give YOU more detail.

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kc bob said...

Love those wigs. They are wigs.. aren't they? :)

Olivier said...

tres bon ce melange de sujet, surtout le rapport enfant/grand mere

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that yellow railing, makes for a very interesting shot. the only new things i have photographed in the past few months are in my yard. my mojo is on vacation

LC said...

I can't believe I have already been through the alphabet twice (nearly) with you already. Not a single Yawn yet! Keep those special images of places, people, patterns and other nouns coming!

Meryl said...

Lovely heart-warming "Y" post!

Francisca said...

You are one of ABC Wednesday's darlings... another great Yarn of Ys.

Roger Owen Green said...

I got some yuks when I saw the young at heart!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Sylvia K said...

What a great collection of Ys for the day! Love the wigs!! I'm all for the young at heart!! Fun, terrific post for the day as always! Enjoy!!

ABC Team

Carver said...

I love the ladies in their wild wigs. Great post for Y.

Reader Wil said...

Lovely photos and accompanied by a great text. Thank you! Have a wonderful ABC Wednesday!

EG CameraGirl said...

The colour of the hair on the young-at-heart made me smile. I wonder if I will do things like that when I'm their age. :)

Wanda said...

Oh my, I have one of those wigs. I was a clown at one of our Harvest Festivals up North.

I hope I'm young at heart...w/o the wig! HaHa

Jane and Chris said...

Clowns usually frighten me....but those two young at hearts made me smile!
Jane x

Tina´s PicStory said...

This Youngsters are best! lol

Joy said...

Not a yawn in sight. No toll to be paid. I love the look on the faces of the "young at heart". Reminds me of the poem "when I am old I will wear purple". Great collection of Ys.

Tim said...

Those wigs are something else. They must be interesting people.

Hildred said...

What a lot of wonderful Y's - the youngsters and the young at heart and those wonderful vibrant yellow railings. Very nice post!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

thoughtful y shots.
you rock.

Kate said...

They're all great, but i think the top is really, really yellow!

Hilary said...

These are all wonderful as Your photos always are but I especially love that couple in clown wigs. Great shot.

Shady Gardener said...

This was a fun post, and I enjoyed the variety of photos! :-) Love the colorful wigs.

Rajesh said...

You have got wonderful choice of words and images.

Leslie: said...

Cool post! And I hope that one day I won't care what people think when I don one of those clownish wigs! lol

abcw team

AphotoAday said...

Those two ladies with the fancy hair-dos look like they could be a couple of my relatives, although all of my kin are much too conservative for wild hair.

And Huell Houser on "California Gold" did a feature on the covered bridge over the "Y"uba River -- I don't think I've ever been there.

Tumblewords: said...

Yahoo! Another great post! No yawning here...I am developing a yearn for the colored hair...Hm.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Always an incredible post even when the rest of us might feel a bit stumped at the scarcity for some of the letters, you manage to be prolific in!

Gattina said...

Lovel the young hearted old ladies, lol !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

what is the zig zag railings for? Makes me think of some airports when you have to queue Zig Zag to clear immigration.

jane said...

Great fun pics - not sure about the wigs - but I love the colour yellow - it is a happy colour Janex

Gigi Ann said...

A very enjoyable post again this week. I am at the point in my life where I can relate to the multi-colored ladies. I too, try to be young at heart. I just had an eleven year old young girl tell me last week I WAS AWESOME. She is now number one in my book. hehe

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love the youngster part, so cool hehehe!

My ABC, please come and see.

Dhemz said...

what a perfect entry...thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Great post!


ChrisJ said...

Good for you! Lots of good 'y's.

Anita said...

LOVE all the shots. In the last one, do I see a hole in the background and people? Or are my eyes deceiving me?

Anonymous said...

Your posts with the "youngsters" and the "young at heart" make me smile! i love reading all the comments about them. I don't even think they realized what they looked like when I put the wigs on them....or maybe they did :O)Lauren likes the photo of her pouting. She has it on her FB.