Monday, December 27, 2010


Bare trees and the sun finally shining again.
Happy last week of 2010.
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Olivier said...

bel arbre avec un superbe ciel

Prettypics123 said...

I really like this shot. The tree limbs create such a pleasing design against the sky.

If you have a few moments and the inclination, you're invited to visit my blogs.

A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings: An RV Adventure & Levonne's Pretty Pics

MedaM said...

Bare tree branches make an interesting pattern against the blue sky. I really like it.

Unknown said...

Very pretty. Beautiful rainless sky. : )

Corine Moore said...

Beautiful! :D Thanks for the inspiration!

kc bob said...

Glad the rain has stopped in California.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your CA winter day looks just like our FL winter day... have a great Rest of The year.

Hilary said...

That tree is beautiful in its bare branches. I'll bet it's stunning fully clothed in its leaves.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A spectral and cold looking photo! I'm cold looking at it, you captured winter very well.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I was here, asking for friendship. ;) Would you like to follow each others blogs? Advance Happy New Year. :D

Mike's Travels said...

Stunning :)

HereBeDragons said...

Great color and texture here.

aykayem said...

I like this photo ... oddly enough - it doesn't look that different to a lot of Canberra Winter day ones I have taken - lol