Monday, December 27, 2010


The end of the alphabet is coming closer.
There are only 2 weeks after this one.
" X " is an eXtremely difficult letter to depict.
My first photo is an eXplanation of what I call a XEROPHYTE.
A plant that has adapted for growth with limited water.
There certainly is limited water at Red Rock Canyon, Nevada.

I definitely wouldn't say I have XENOPHOBIA.
Traveling to many different countries has helped me to not fear
things and situations that are foreign or strange.
These boys certainly have a different home life and routine than I do.
The bush of Kenya is far different than Central California.

Much closer to home I found a series of X's in the Tower Bridge.
I like the way there are Xs within the Xs.

Reflective Xs.

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Dave said...

That's an eXtrordinary blog Sue! - Dave

mrsnesbitt said...

As ever Sue - your contribution shows flair and creativity. Your reflections on life certainly reflect a lady who has travelled and seen many things to reflect upon. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Denise ABC Team

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you never cease to amaze me how many letters you find when they are difficult letter like x. love the relection x

What Karen Sees said...

What a fun and interesting blog you have!!! I love seeing what inspires fellow photographers. I've enjoyed my visit and will continue to 'follow' you, and I invite you to visit me too!

Hooked on Memes said...

I used Xerophyte too! Happy New Year!

Rune Eide said...

You had some fine examples, but I feel that the boys from Kenya won. They put their word in perspective.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow! You found some great X-photos!

Carver said...

Great shots and post for the letter X.

Jay at The Depp Effect said...

Xcellent!! It's true that travel broadens the mind, isn't it? You begin to see for yourself that people are people everywhere you go.

Love the last two photos - so crisp and full of X-factor!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific post for the X Day as always, Sue! You do indeed have a flair and you're very creative! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Nanka said...

Many X's but the two boys from Kenya are the best. That was a great capture and a lot said through the picture!!

Roger Owen Green said...

well, if you're not a xenophobe, maybe you're a xenophile! sounds like it to me.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Maureen Newman said...

Travel broadens our horizons and makes us flexible regardless of our age. Nice images.

Beverly said...

You are so smart!. I love all the photos, particularly the last one. The water is like glass.

Leslie: said...

LOVE the reflective Xs...and yes, it's amazing how racist some people are! But you and I know that "great minds think alike." :D

Kate said...

Great collection of "x's"! Glad we are trading comments more often again; I'll be back again with ABC at the beginning of the alphabet in a few weeks.

Ingrid said...

I like the imaginative Xess in the photos !

Joy said...

Love the close up tower bridge metal, do like a metal bridge, and rivets. A great variety of X.

LivingSoAbundantly said...

Your pictures are worth a thousand words. Xcellent job! :)

Anna said...

Some great Xs there. I am now annoyed that I did not think of xerophyte - I stare at one everyday when I look at my kitchen window sill. Wishing you a most happy and healthy New Year :)

Hildred said...

Beautiful photos that really reflect your awareness.

Tumblewords: said...

Delightful post - you covered a lot of ground with flair. Love the bridge!

Wanda said...

The ever delightful, every clever Susan!!

What a great group of X's!!

I had a hard photos in my collection, so had to google!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Double's x's and more! that tower is pretty striking. Added bonus with the reflection-very, very nice!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love the shots with x in it.
beautiful entry.