Friday, July 02, 2010


We are dog sitting the Granddaughters Labradoodle for a few days.
This is Snickerdoodle.

Shes sweet and full of energy.
Trying to catch her in a still moment to get some pictures was no small feat.

Much of the time is spent playing with this ball and the rest is spent sitting on my feet.
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jel said...

that is a sweetcookie, (snickerdoodle)

the dog is cute too :)

you have a nice 4th!

and thanks

Prettypics123 said...

Snickerdoodle is lovable looking! You guys have fun! Come visit again when you have a few minutes: Levonne's Pretty Pics and A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings.

Dawning Inspiration said...

oh so cute!!! Love the name, too! My niece has a hampster with that name - same coloring, too!

Freda said...

She is absolutely beautiful. Have fun! said...

Look at that face!
What a sweetie. My pup is the same way. Most pictures I take of her are blurry motion pics.

Anonymous said...

I guess I like dogs for all the reasons they are dogs and distinct from us. This is a beauty.

Wanda said...

We are dog lovers, and I think Snickerdoodle is a knock out!

Unspoken said...

Could that dog be ANY cuter?! :)

Elaine Yim said...

Snickerdoodle is so sweet and cute, she' a joy to watch.

I have an award for you.This is my link

Dave said...

I have heard of these dogs but never seen one. Thanks for showing these pictures Sue. Thanks too for your comment today on my site. You made me feel good. - Dave

mrsnesbitt said...

Wonderful! In good hands for sure!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the snickerdoodle made me not snicker but laugh out loud. precious grandogger. does lucy love her I wonder.

AphotoAday said...

That is one cute doggie!

Unknown said...

aww :) So cute!
Come take a look at my dog? :) she is only 4months :'D

Lara Neusiedler said...

sweetie! she is so beautiful! happy 4th of July!

ChrisJ said...

That's a coincidence. Tootsie and Snickerdoodle posted at the same time and they do look quite alike. Gorgeous dogs!

Unknown said...

Those are great dog pics!

Carolyn Ford said...

What an adorable little pooch...such happiness radiates from that little sweet face!

Unknown said...

Oh my good heavens. Cutest doggy ever : )

Joahna Vern said...

cutie lil puppy! :)

oh and by the way, i followed and added you to my blogroll. I'd be so glad if you'll add me,too. Thanks.

Enjoy the rest of the week! :)

Laurie said...

Awwwwwwwww! Such a sweetie!