Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Here we are at one of the more difficult letters in the alphabet.
I definitely do not have XENOPHOBIA , that is a fear of strangers or of what is strange or foreign.
If I did I wouldn't be posting all these pictures for the world to see!
There are so many X's making up the girders of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Make sure you enlarge the photo to eXamine the patterns of Xs within Xs.

I really like the bold X formation on the old Air Force plane.

Are you confused by this picture? It is as close to an X-RAY shot that I have.
You are looking at a map that is transparent. The hanger is seen behind the see thru map.
Basically that's what an X-RAY does. It allows you to see beyond and into whats behind the first layer.
Be sure to enlarge this picture to see what I'm trying to eXplain.

Last but not least, a jacket label saying the size is XL or eXtra large.
Thanks for stopping by.
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MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see hundreds mabye thousands of X's in that first photo, great choice. you made it through the alphabet once again.

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific post for the X day!! Love your photos, as always! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Reader Wil said...

Your posts are always interesting. I learn a lot of new English words each time I visit you on ABC time.
It's good you didn't ask us to count all the X's in the Golden Gate Bridge!!

MaR said...

An eXtraordinary post for this week's X!! love all your X's, I had trouble finding just one, lol.

ABC-Wed: X

Roger Owen Green said...

eXcellent choices. Bridges are particularly good for that.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Bettey said...

X is a hard letter in the theme, but you found great examples! Have a good rest of the week :)

Hood Photo Blog

Rune Eide said...

I fell for the XL...

An all to common label in my age class :-)

Olivier said...

sur la 1ere photo j'ai cru que c'etait un bout de la tour eiffel

Amy said...

Good ones Sue! I especially like the Golden Gate Bridge shot. I've been catching up and enjoyed your "w" post too!

Unknown said...

Wow, where there were almost no x-words there are now myriads of them!

Wish I had thought of xenaphobia. That one could have been interesting to illustrate...

But I did not even have time to look at a dictionary. It is crazy here at home!
Best wishes,

Anna's X-words

Joy said...

I love the wonderful transparent map photo really feels like travelling and who could not fall for golden gate girders.

Freda said...


Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Impressive choices for the X day. A

Wanda said...

Oh your blog is just full of X's. I'm about X-ed out! Sorry, but being in the middle of VBS I had to cheat a little!

Cheryl said...

Nicely done. I love all your images. Amazing way to honor the day of the X.

Tumblewords: said...

Impressive series of X photos. Amazing X's, indeed.

Stan Ski said...

Great choice of X's - very creative.

Carol said...

Very creative! Great job!

Beverley Baird said...

What a variety of Xs - never thought of XL! Great photos!
have a great week!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I'm loving all those X's!! Especially that first one.

LOL-word scramble here is: words

Jama said...

I can lots of X here!

Gayle said...

Those really are a lot of Xs on the GG bridge. I'll have to study my surroundings to see what other letters are hidden in tall structures.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Last round, I too, found a building like you lots of XXXXX.

Mine will be up tomorrow.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Being literal it never occurred to me to find Xs in the environment. You have given us very clever and well captured Xs. Kudos.

magiceye said...

brilliant takes on the theme!

Bradley Hsi said...

Very nice shots, the most relevant to me is the XL, my size. I still remember the "M" day in the distance past.

mrsnesbitt said...

So creative! Excellent stuff!

Anonymous said...

A creative take on a difficult letter. I love all those X's on the Golden Gate Bridge. :)

Jay said...

And all of them most Xellent Xs! I do like your 'close to an x-ray'. Most inventive.

lv2scpbk said...

Excellent X photos. On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for participating.

dianasfaria.com said...

great X post! I like the X-ray map the best.

LisaF said...

What a creative take on the letter X! Love your eye for the unusual.

Hilary said...

Another Xceptional post. I love the way you think.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

lots of Xs and now I've forgotton what I was going to comment on in particular - so lets just send you some kisses instead XXX

Carolyn Ford said...

You really found some great X's! I struggled to find words when I could have just looked for the X's out in the world...duh!