Thursday, March 18, 2010


I needed to post a Splash of Spring after my last sobering blog.
This actually could have been another " I " word. Ice Plant.
The purple color is so vivid and vibrant.
Don't you think the inside of the flower is fascinating?
It looks like its made with fiber-optics.
Enlarging the picture will give you a closer look.
Have a wonderful weekend every one.
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Mike Simmons said...

Very nice Sue. I agree, it looks like fiber optics. Vivid colors there!

Wanda said...

Yes, it really does look like fiber optics....lovey!

My pots of petunias have just exploded with color... I need to post that soon.

Unknown said...

i think it is totally fascinating! Great shot & lovely colors!!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Gorgeous colors and it does look like fiber optics!

Mike's Travels said...

Fantastic! And a good dose of Spring!

MadSnapper said...

God's fiber optics are so much better than man made. they really do look like fiber optics. wonderful colors too

Leena said...

Thank you for these colors, Sue!

You have to remember, that if you put my home on US`s map, you could find it somewhere between Anchorage and Fairbanks :)

Nice day to you, Sue!

( I put my journey photos to a new blog, if you have sometimes extra time to look )

Unknown said...

I am so thankful that your husband is ok! When I read that I stopped typing and started praying. I am praying that God will keep your husband safe from further harm. I am praying that you will still be able to go on your mission trip! I am thankful you have such a great family that supports and loves you. You are a blessing to so many. You make my heart thankful Miss Sandy! God bless you this weekend. I will keep your husband in my prayers! XO Love, Becky

AphotoAday said...

Hey, that's really a great photo... Gets my highest award of Ten Points and a Gold Star!

Robert Hill said...

Gorgeous...I love the purple.

AVCr8teur said...

Spring has definitely sprung. Last week felt more like summer. :) Awesome close-up picture with an explosion of colors.

Hilary said...

Beautiful flower. So vibrant.

I read your comment over at Life with Kaishon. I hope all is well with your husband and that he's on the mend. Sending best, healing thoughts his way.. and hugs to you.

Dave said...

These are lovely flowers with such iridescent colours. East to p[ropagate from cuttings too. Do you do that Sue? - Dave

MedaM said...

The inside of the flower really is fascinating and the purple color of this flower is really lovely. Wonderful photo!

Anonymous said...

It really is a delicate looking flower and very pretty.