We've come to the letter " J " in our trip around the alphabet.
The word for the day is JAIL. I took the pictures at the Folsom State Prison museum.
When the prison was first occupied this is what the JAIL cells looked like.
Here we have a JAILBIRD as the incarcerated were called.
Ah, home sweet home.
Modern day Folsom Prison looks a bit more accomodating than it was many years ago.
Its still a place where JUSTICE is trying to be served.
To see what others have posted for the letter " J " go to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar.
Makes me think of Johnny Cash.
well that would certainly deter me from getting arrested. Way to small and I bet the smell was horrible. I have heard of Folsum but never seen it. looks almost like a castle but not one i want to visit for sure.
ah le grand J.Cash..Amusant ce mannequin dans la prison
Great post and photos for the J day! And yes it made me think of Johnny Cash, too!! Hope you're having a great week! Enjoy!
Just looking at that place makes me feel claustrophobic! I am going to have to make sure I cut out all illegal activities so I never end up there : )
PS We are still praying for your husband. How is he? Much love!
For some reason I find it extremely interesting and fascinating to visit old jails. Hear and learn about its inmates and especially why they were jailed.
I was thinking Johnny Cash too.... "I hear the train a coming...coming round the bend...."
I'll have to Jump on the Johnny Cash train too.
Oh my, - imagine life in such surroundings.
Oh crumbs, not a place I'd like to be locked up! It looks so claustrophobic.
An original J post! Sure not much to require dusting there! I'm thinking that much has changed since then! Great photos! I thought the jb was real.
I'm glad I'm not a jailbird - it does not look much fun.
Hope not to land in there...
Great shots for J
J is for jewelry...
We can be thankful we are only visiting, last jail I visited was Alcatraz!
An interesting subject for your blog Sue. Interesting photos too. I like the prisoner. I understand your husband isn't well. How is he? - Dave
Jail is a good word! I've never thought about that one! Thanks for your visit. I am also ignorant about many things. Google and wikipedia are a great help if I want to know something. I must say I forget a lot, but being old means having a head with so much information( some of it quite useless), that you cannot put more in it.
That's an impressive castle like structure ~ going by the outside in the last photo! Fascinating series of photos!
At least he seems to have been allowed a picture on the wall.
My goodness how far jail cells have come since then. Maybe if we returned to the "good old days" we'd have less jailbirds?!
love the old jail scene
Wonderful old jail pictures! Reminds me of our trip to Alcatraz!
Nice brickwork but I will pass on the incarceration. Great J and like everyone else a name that it always associated with Johnny.
I went to prison once - to visit. And I worked in the city jail for a few months. Not a place I'd want to spend time from the inside.
reminds me of Joe from Knots Berry Farm
Great J post!
Made me think of Johnny Cash as well!
That's still a pretty neat prison years ago but that's still not a good place for me.. :P.. Well, as you said a place of justice to be served. And ooh that guy's cell has his pregnant wife painting on his upper side huh but that jailbird is awful.. well.. :) Thanks for sharing.. And here's my ABC Wednesday entry should you like to stop-by on my place: J is for JEANS.. :)
I must say i am not a fan of the size of the cells... maybe this is why i have never taken a liking to the life of crime.... and I absolutely LOVE the third photo... Great post!
Sure am glad I'm not a prisoner there! Neat post, though!
A wonderful photographic journey in alphabetical order:) Well done!
Very nice photos, I would not want to be in there, neither the old or the new.
I send warm greetings to you and your husband - I wish fast recovery for him and good weekend to both of you!
Is there a museum inside the prison? I never knew that.
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