Sunday, January 17, 2010


I just wanted to share 4 more faces of Haiti taken a few years ago.
Women carry everything on their heads. This was wash day and women and young children were on their way to the river to wash their clothes.

This little guy was making his way to who knows where. I don't know how he walked on that sharp rubble.

Beautiful people of Haiti at a happier time.

Its no wonder women suffer from neck and back pain. Everything is carried on the head.
Enlarge the pictures to see all the detail.
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Hilary said...

I hope they are ok..

Olivier said...

Espoir pour le peuple haï beaux portraits en hommage, bravo

Mike's Travels said...

Real faces to something we hear just on the news. God bless Haiti!

MadSnapper said...

these are wondeful photos, they tell a story all by themselves. I almost missed the goat in the first picture, did not notice it until I enlarged it. She is beautiful in her own way, and no wonder they have neck pain and probalby back pains to. thanks for sharing these with us.

jingle said...

you are amazing,
where did you get these photos?

thank you for the helpful mind
and uplifting spirits.

Happy Monday.

Amy said...

Sue, Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. Haitians are a strong people - and my heart breaks for the children especially, like that sweet little boy in the rubble. On the news last night I watched a group of Haitian orphans land in the States to the open arms of their new families.

kc bob said...

My heart is heavy for Haiti.

Unspoken said...

Oh, you must be haunted with worry for these faces.

Unknown said...

I am so thankful for these images.

Carol said...

Beautiful photos of better days; so glad you showed these to us.

CG said...

What wonderful photos, so moving in view of what has happened there.

Janie said...

Thanks for these pictures of Haitian life before the disaster.

ethelmaepotter! said...

What moving pictures - all many of us have ever seen of Haiti are the heart-rending photos of the past week. This essay shows us what a devastation the earthquake actually was - now we have the "before" images, showing a decidedly poor, but happy people, in a decidedly poor, but stable environment.
The child walking barefoot on the sharp pebbles struck me - I wonder how much sharper are those pebbles now, how many people are walking barefoot among them, and if this child made it...
Congratulations on POTW. Well deserved.

MedaM said...

The people of Haiti are always in my mind and my prayers. If I am feeling so sad because of this tragedy I can only imagine how sad you are feeling who were faced with these dear people. God know what happened to these people from your photos...this is really too sad....

Dianne said...

more beautiful photos

congrats on POTW
it is well deserved

your photos bring a genuine sense of humanity to Haiti, something the media often misses the mark on

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

beautiful, touching posts, Sue. When the earthquake news came in, I thought of you and your asscoaition with the poeple in haiti.....I so hope they are fine.