Friday, September 04, 2009


Once again its time for California Gold Rush Days in Old Sacramento.
Its fun to walk down the cobble stone streets covered with dirt and feel like one is in the 1850's.
There were fake gun fights and melodramas and of course plenty of things to look at and eat.
Don't forget to enlarge the photo to see the detail of the horses.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
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jel said...

bet that would have been fun too have seen!

have a good one too :)

Sunny said...

Beautiful horses and such a fun time!
Sunny :)

Shammickite said...

you have cobblestone streets in Sacramento?
I remember when I was little we had cobblestones on our lane and my dad shovelled dirt on them so the horses could get up the hill to deliver the coal!
Perhaps I should write a blog post about that!

Anonymous said...

I have always been fascinated by the California Gold Rush!

Kate said...

Horses are wonderful animals that hold endless fascination for our family. These look like Clysdales, are they

Ruth said...

Sounds fun. I think a vacation in an old setting living like they did then would be great fun.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Savannah River Front has cobblestones, that is my hometown, we used to go down to the river when we were teens and put our tires on the rails of the old railroad that runs the length of the river. I live in FL now, the cobblestones are gone, but when i was a child, the streets to my grandmothers house were cobbled and I knew we were close when the tires made weird noises.

tsduff said...

We didn't go this year - but your photos bring back happy memories :)