Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Today is ABC Wednesday and our letter is " G ".
What else could I put but some pictures of the Giraffe we saw on our trip to Kenya?

The last two days of our trip were spent on a safari at the Masai Mara Game Reserve.
We stopped at a spot where a mother and two baby giraffe were ambling along.
The babies (really tall babies) were so curious and walked right up to our van.

They were so close we could have petted their noses. One of the giraffes hadn't lost its umbilical cord yet so we know they were quite young.

Don't you just love this expression? I guess he was as happy to see us as we were to see him.
For others posting the letter G just click on Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar. I know you will gather some great G pictures.
Enlarging each photo will give you more detail.
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Mara said...

I love their eyes, they always have this gentle outlook! Brilliant photos.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I adore giraffes, it's their eyelashes so long. No idea what has happened to linky

Beverly said...

I agree with the first two commenters. Their eyes, their eyelashes, their faces are so dear. I would love to be able to reach out and pet one.

Vicki ~ FL said...

Wonderful post and beautiful photos. Ditto the comments from Mara and Babooshka.....What a great trip you must have had.

Beverley Baird said...

Fabulous shots! Just love the baby giraffes!
What a trip you are having!

Rose said...

These are wonderful photos! How exciting it must have been to see them up close. What I wouldn't give to have eyelashes like these:) Glad you were able to see some of the sights and enjoy yourselves while on your trip.

Carol said...

Beautiful photos , with such willing subjects...How wonderful to take that trip...

Hildred said...

Oh, what a sweetie with those long eyelashes blinking at you...a flirt, I think.

dianasfaria.com said...

perfect G post. what cute faces you have captured, wonderful!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful model you have here. funny and cute

Olivier said...

elle a une superbe tĂȘte (et des yeux magnifiques) ta girafe, superbe portrait
She has a beautiful head (and beautiful eyes) your giraffe, beautiful portrait

Bradley Hsi said...

I particular like the last one, he looks so cute with the background to give us the real Africa feeling. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Just amazing, Sue!

Rune Eide said...

I must say that the native looked very friendly!

Reader Wil said...

Giraffes are such elegant creatures. Great choice for G! Have a great Wednesday!

jay said...

Perfect G! Aren't they just gorgeous, those babies? You are so lucky to be able to see them so close!

AphotoAday said...

Those photos are so "g"ood!
Especially like the third one -- must have been a great experience -- wish I had been there... Heck, I'd help 'em mud a hut if I could see wildlife like that along the way...

Roger Owen Green said...

great giraffe pics

CG said...

What a coincidence; my post today mentions a giraffe albeit a mythical one! Love your photos of these lovely creatures.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Yes Phowa, You're right its looks like the F was still on but The G is here today, great GIRAFFES!!! Lovely post...

Hatsjeeeeee!My G is the Griep (flu)
Hello How are you today?
I am sick and wish me well, I hope you stay healthy!

Greetings from JoAnn/Holland

Q said...

These are marvelous photographs.
What a wonderful trip you must have had.

~JarieLyn~ said...

The baby does look rather happy. Isn't it wonderful to be able to post photos of such lovely creatures that you actually saw with your own eyes, and snapped with your own camera. What awesome memories for you. I love your photos.

Mr Mapper said...

That last shot puts a smile on my face!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

The third one down is my favorite. I love the tufts of hair on the top and the eyes are just beautiful with those silky lashes a movie star would covet. I had the joy of a giraffe in the zoo licking my hand, wow what a long wet tongue. I would love to see them in the wild like this. Thanks for the pics

Unknown said...

Now that is one good G : ) I love it. Very beautiful! So fun! I am so thankful you were able to go on this wonderful mission trip! What a blessing.

Janie said...

Your baby giraffes are so cute. They have great expression. I love the eyelashes.

gone to the dogs said...

They have beautiful gentle faces. Are they gentle or are looks deceiving?

Maria's Space said...

Now those are some sweet faces!
Such big eye lashes

AVCr8teur said...

Always love the smiling and long lash giraffes. I can't help but smile along.

Ruth said...

He is one cute G.

Judi said...

I agree with all the above. Lovely photographs.

Kate said...

I keep forgetting about ABC Wednesday! I suppose that when I finally get my internet AND laptop in line, it'll be easier to post when I need to!

Your giraffes are splendid posts for this day. Love their faces, don't you?!

Shammickite said...

G is for Gorgeous Giraffes! How lucky you are to see these magnificent creatures in the wild. I wonder if it's usual for a mother to have TWO babies?

MedaM said...

Oh, what photos and what wonderful experience! I like those baby giraffes very much; they are so cute. The one in the last photo even made me smile. :-)

jel said...

just tooo cool!

Hilary said...

Oh how I love giraffes. Just look at that adorable face. You are so lucky to have had this experience. I feel so lucky that you share.

Wanda said...

Love your giraffes... They were my favorites when we visited Santa Barbara Zoo a while back.