In spite of all the wind and rain that we have had, the little camillia bushes keep blooming.
Not the greatest shot but I thought some of you might like a splash of color to brighten your day
I'm having so much fun looking at the world through the lens of my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. I will share my world of Rocklin, California and points North, South, East and West. Come and enjoy with me.
elle est belle et semble si fragile
It is beautiful and seems so fragile
Very pretty!
beautiful shot and one of my favorite colors
Happy New Year! I wish you all the best for 2008!
A gorgeous flower!
I am still moving around but I will visit again regularly at the end of January!
It is a pretty color. Do butterflies visit it or bees?
Oh, Sue, as for me, this lovely photo really brightens my day. Look at that colour; look at that charming beauty...Thanks for this photo.:-)
It sure makes me long for summer again. Lovely shot.
Wow...this is BEAUTIFUL! I wonder if these guys can live inside?? I would love to have one and keep it inside during the winter....and have that beautiful color!
I have such a BROWN thumb...everything I try to grow usually dies.
It does make me hope Winter is over soon....we are 1/3 of the way thru January...and no measurable snow just yet....I can't wait until March!
So pretty. They don't grow this far south in Florida, but my aunt had some bushes at her house in the northern part of the state.
Oh it is nice to see a sunny pink flower on this cold and gray January day.
I hope you get some sunshine soon.
Thanks for a little colour on this day of grey and rain.
Nice photo.
Love your Y too, I did baby birds too mine were Yawning.
Your camillia is such a beautiful color! I have a rose about the same color, and look forward to it every year.
You fooled me with the eagle picture:)
thanks that did brighten this gray day here! :)
and thanks for the visit!
VERY welcome splash of colour on such a grey day!
Lovely pink!
It certainly brightens up the black/white/grey winter landscape around here!
This is absolutely beautiful!!!
Beautiful and delicate, but strong enough to withstand the elements! Lovely shot!
Beautiful shot of color, thank you! Reminds me of the Camelia bushes I used to pass by on my way to the library, from the Capitol South Metro Station.
Thank you for the color, how lovely.
i can never get enough of petals curling in/out.....they remind of all things sweet....:)
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