Another journey into my archives. I thought this decorative Kale was so vibrant and colorful I just had to take a picture of it.
Be sure to click on the picture to enlarge and see all the details.
I'm having so much fun looking at the world through the lens of my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. I will share my world of Rocklin, California and points North, South, East and West. Come and enjoy with me.
These colours and rich and luscious. I like the fluted edges on the leaves. Excellent snap!
What a color!!!. well done
on dirait un corail, les couleurs sont magnifiques
It looks like a coral, the colors are magnificent
Your flower shots are wonderful. I love he purple colors and the details.. Awesome shot!! :)
Extraordinary indeed!
It looks like something out of this world. Something beautiful.
I love these decorative Kales. Where I once worked was a large old English house. It was winter and the lady of the house was unwell but still gained pleasure from looking out of the window at the gardens. The lack of colour dissapointed her, so I planted hundreds and hundreds of these in patterns around the upper lawn. It was nice to see a smile on her face.
That Kale really is gorgeous. Each detail on it is great; the purple colours, the water drops; the petals with fluted edges…just lovely…
Love that big water drop! Hello to you in Rocklin! I used to live in Folsom!!
beautiful and vibrant colours!
It's so pretty! I can't believe you also have flowers blooming still. Your landscaping must be so colorful judging from just your last two shots.
fantastic colours and the water drops are very beautiful
Amazing photo! Love it!
Happy New Year to you!
Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day
Cool shot Mr. Mapper captured. Just wondered if you were going to have some spare time coming up. I am going to be traveling back to Calif. on the 24th and staying a few weeks. E mail me if you want to get together..I can give you my cell number... It would be fun :) :) Aloha, Renee :) e mail:
A kale dusted with diamonds.
The details are just stunning when you "click" on this one.
Wow.....I bet this is eaiser to grow....maybe I should start growing some of this :)
Superb colors and details!
The colors in this are so pretty. Love it.
The detail on this photo with the water droplets is beautiful!
Can you eat that stuff
I love the water droplets! Very pretty.
lovely colors......this reminds me of flamenco skirts :)
Your photos are always so delightful like they could be special happy photos!
Perhaps because you really love photographing and colors!
Rewarding weekend to you, Sue!"
These colours are really lovely.
Super shot and vibrant colours, well done.
slowly catching up and recovering
New Steam post up now.
I clicked and am awed by your amazing photo and by Mother Nature!
Perhaps your best macro shot yet! It's pretty enough to be in a vase.
Wow, that really is a great shot! Beautiful composition -- the kale really kooperated...
I think I'll plant some of these kale plants in the spring, such lovely colours!
Edible and beautiful. ummm eye candy and tummy candy.
I've never seen vegetables look so grand! (And I'm a vegetarian!)
An enjoying plant!
I was growing some kale like that once, when I lived in Washington State. Then my landlord's cows (I was renting a home on a farm) got loose one night. Chomp, chomp, chomp, and then I was no longer growing kale. :O
Nice shot, love the water and the color both.
Very cool sue!
This is really, really pretty. Nice detail and the drops of water make it fresh and lively.
wow! what a beautiful color!
I am so sorry for my absence ... but my job kills my at the moment:
This fotos is very nice ... I love this
Wow! I love the incredible detail here. Beautiful colors too.
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