Sometimes life can be like barbed wire, all prickly and sharp, and difficult to get around.
Hubby has been sick since we came home from our Thanksgiving trip. The prescribed meds don't seem to have much effect, so its off to see the Doctor tomorrow. Being sick is a pain, just like being stuck by the barbed wire.
Hope hubby gets well soon
Nice picture with the barb wire, we are having a snow storm today, so staying indoors, I should try some indoor shots, have some closeup work ro do.
Hope it's not serious! the photo is wonderful--different textures and colours.
I studied this picture for a while before I could figure out what was intriquing me. It's so clean. The barb wire is clean, the post is clean -- its all brand new. Not your "typical" barb wire shot.
New Orleans Daily Photo
Hubby is sick and you are giving care, I'm sure, which can also be a bit like being stuck with barbed wire. Take care of yourself while you take care of him. I know whereof I speak.
Nice closeup shot, and good composition! I hope it's not serious.
Hope your husband gets well soon. Lovely image.
Amen! Sue, I am leaving Tuesday on vacation for a month. (not quite as grand as it sounds, but very important to me) I'll see you next year.
wonderful capture, very beautiful textures
I know a song called Barbed Wire Love... just saying. Is it just my computer or can we no longer click on pictures in Blogger to enlarge them without having to save them to disc or open them in a suitable piece of software on our pc?
What an accurate parallel. I'm sorry about your better half not feeling well and hope it will be diagnosed and treated quickly. Once we get over 30 - we tend to think that no more growing experiences are needed, but I bet this too is one of those.
Sending my best wishes too. I hope he's feeling better very soon.
Great shot.
Mike, I don't think it's just you. I couldn't click to enlarge either. The image downloaded upon clicking.
hope everything comes to normal soon!
Awww...I'm sorry he's sick. I hope he gets better soon. There area few nasty viruses going around that just take a while to run their course.
I think the photo is really well composed. Very nice and appropriate.
Being sick is a pain, hope the hubby gets well soon.
yes hope your DH, gets to feeling better soon, and yes Barbed wire is a pain , and I got the marks to show for them "ouch"
sorry to hear about the sharp jabs.... hope hubby is back to full health soon!
I linked from aother blog and enjoyed your photos very much. I hope your husband is feeling better.
Hope alls well today (MON) and feeling better.
grand and very sharp photo.
3 Gs post now up
hope your husband gets better very soon and the meds start working.
take good care of yourselves.
Hope your hubby gets well soon. Being sick disrupts everything in your life. And your photo is great!
I really hope that all these good wishes from bloggers all over blogdom combine to make your dear husband feel better. Good luck at the docs.
Very snowy here in S Ontario, Canada, I'm staying in today, just like your first commenter!
I am sorry to hear about hubby being sick. I send you best wishes for a quick recovery, and barbed wire made of string cheese!
Get well soon,
Hope your husband recovers soon...
Health is probably the most important thing in life...
Nice symbolism.
It is isn't it.
Sorry to hear about the sickness. We've had a round of it too.
Let me try that again with spelling correctly. What a great idea for a photo (and all to true!). I do hope your husband is getting much better!
Thank you so much for your kind comments to my blog! You are always an encourager.
I nominated you for a Nice Matters award. I do not know if you like to post these on your blog, never-the-less, I could not resist giving it to you.
Sorry to hear about your hubby's sickness. Hope he gets better soon. When I feel a little cold coming on, I start taking Zicam immediately and it has really helped. I have never seen a blue barbed wire before so it's a good photo against a wooden post.
barbed wire is not allowed in Norway - I wish disease was allowed either.
Good luck to your husband!
I hope nothing is serious and that your husband gets feeling better very soon.
It’s nice composition of the photo you posted. By my opinion it symbolise pain and suffering.
Yes - no fun to be sick!
And I really like this shot!!!
hope the hubby is up and about soon, Sue....please do take good care of him :)
Oh, I am sorry to hear that! I like your photo.
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