I took this shot of Mount Shasta from a rest area stop we made on our way home from Washington. We were getting close to Redding, California.
Check out Mr Mapper's post for a great picture of the mountain and all the facts about it.
As always click on the picture to enlarge it.
oh nice. Lovely view to happen upon and capture.
c'est sublime et cela laisse rêveur.
It is sublime, and this leaves dreamer.
beautiful scene. well done
Beautiful. The trees in the foreground give a sense of scale. This makes our mountains here in the east look tiny.
That looks almost like the cone of a volcano with the hole in the middle? Not sure that it is but that was my first impression of this beautiful mountain.
p2f1 = my going green slogan. Means: Pee twice and flush once to save half of the water otherwise flushed away.
Spectacular view and photo!
And your photo about the spider web is so brilliant, that I can not understand it, how you did it or should I say, how this spider made it :)
I think, you both are brilliant!
Hi there... I'm back from Florida, and it's COOOOOLLLLDDD here, I want to go back to the beach and the palm trees. Thanks for sticking with my blog while I didn't have internet access, I should be back to normal now. Florida pics being posted in a day or two.
Meanwhile I was browsing all your pics that I missed while I was away... wonderful shots as usual. I love the geese, and the colour of the lichen, and the rust. You can always be trusted to produce some lovely pictures!
Oh... almost forgot... I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving with your family.
Awesome! I agree with John, including the trees as a foreground element provides scale to the enormity of the mountain.
Great shot!
now that's a mountain! i saw your son's take on it, too. beautiful...
let me know what you find out about your electricity company, i think people will be shocked to find out how connected they are to MTR....
we're heading out for the weekend to be wined and dined by hubby's employer at their annual christmas party. they even put us up for the night.... fun! :)
As Olivier said, sublime. A dream of a place.
A majestuous landscape, and a serene image!
i love, love, love mountains.....this is such a lovely shot of one ....
That is a realy great shot! I don´t have a idea where this is, but it looks very nice! great shot!
Have a nice weekend!!
Beautiful shot...I saw Mr Mapper's too :)
Such a lovely place, but it looks very cold. It's a scene one can stare at for a long time.
Beautiful shot! I haven't passed by there for years now, but remember it's stunning beauty well... You've done a good job capturing it!
Lovely mountain photo, and the name of the mountain is nice, too.
I got my problem fixed, turned out to be a known issue with a fix posted at blogspot.com.
We are so lucky living along the west coast with all those volcanos to look at (as long as they dont blow like Mt StHelens did back in 1981. From Vancouver, BC we can see Mt. Baker in Washington State(when the weather allows).
Some of our mountain highways can be tricky in winter, so we always try to hit the high passes at midday when they are cleaned up and gritted.
Beautiful view and impresive photo!
Awesome view!!!
Mount Shasta has more than one peak, I see.
Dont forget to sign-up for my giveaway.
this is a su huge mountain, it looks indeed fabulous!
It's so nice that you have those beautiful landscapes in your journey! have some great days!
I like mountains so much! from our place (in RO) sometimes we can see the Bucegi mountains, especially in a clear day. great shot!
That's beautiful! I love Mt Shasta!
Incredible! The atmosphere is so clear. It's not often I get such a clear shot of Mt Ranier this time of year. Didn't know you were in WA!! How close were you to Seattle?
It's a beauty; I'd love to ski there.
What a grand photo. Sue, I did a solo campout when I was 20, near Ashland, Oregon, and when I got up in the morning, I made coffee over an open fire and watched Mt. Shasta. Such a fond memory. Thanks for the reminder. :)
Hi - am back from the big smoke and trying to catch up with everyone.
This is a truly awesome mountain especially with the beautiful snow on top!!!
Now that seems like a good place to put a rest area!
nice capture!
Breath taking
what a beautiful picture!
Well, I thought I left you a comment on this stunning photo, but I guess it didn't take!
I clicked into full screen and just sat contemplating for awhile.. lovely..
Glorious...makes me think of "I lift up my eyes to the hills..."
Tried to leave a comment on this yesterday but blogger was being mean! Anyway, love this shot. It really shows how awesome it is.
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