The letter U is for the UNIQUE UZBEKISTAN outdoor market changing room. A year ago March I visited the country of Uzbekistan and loved their open air markets. I found this type of changing room a bit intimidating. One could buy anything from Underwear to furniture for very little cost.
For more pictures of that trip please go back to my archives 2006.
Be sure to click on the picture to see all the detail.
i like these "istan" countries..I just got back from Kyrgyzstan..it was really amazing being there:)
comme toi, j'aime beaucoup ces marchés ouvert. rien que pour la promenade et pour rencontrer des gens
Like you, I love these markets open. Just to walk and to meet people
Hi Sue!
A long journey from your home to Uzbekistan - in many ways, I think.
But the totally different countries have us most to think "things" .
I wish you both health and happiness!
What an adventure that must have been to visit there!
It would be easy to try on shoes, but I don't know if I would have cared for trying on anything else out there - except perhaps gloves.
There are lots of places like that in my city too. Like you said one can buy anything there for very little cost. But most of the things are of bad quality.
I've really missed checking out your blog for a long time.
Hope you're enjoying that new house! ;)
Pat's Photos
Guelph Daily Photo
Photography Cafe
The facial expression of the lady on the left holding up the curtain is priceless. She is seeing it all and can hardly keep from laughing.
Trying on something like Underwear, maybe?
Those faces are wonderful! The poor woman is hidden well enough, with merchandise packed in behind her, but she's being watched so closely from either side. Hopefully they're her friends and have just been asked "What do you think?"
That must have been an exciting trip.
Mighty fine picture, as usual. I like the people and colors.
Happy ABC Wednesday.
Funny picture!
wow... thats quite an interesting "changing room"
are the clothes you could buy used though? my friend in turkey thought he was getting great deals on socks but then he realized they had been used...
jim baker
markets, exciting no matter where in the world!
It looks a mite chilly there, too. The dressing room is a challenge for sure!
extremely interesting picture - can't remember what I was originallygoing to say as the postman arrived and then I decided it was lunch-time so here I am back a couple of hours later!
Wow, what a great and interesting photo!!! And funny!
Great market scene. Lots of bright colors.
I like how the ladies holding up the blanket screen are staring at the person trying on clothes. So much for privacy.
that does look a bit airish :)
Oh that is a bit unique I would feel intimidated as well.
Good U post, sure have some good ones today
oh, I don't fancy getting changed in the street either! wonderful slice of another culture!
Unique really :) Traveling is such a learning experience and fun :)
What an interesting place to visit and a different culture to experience. I love going on photographic adventures!
Hehe, wonderful dressing room! :)
you can find this in Romanian markets too :)).
It's always interesting to learn about other countries - thanks for sharing!
Great U post!
I think the man looks a bit bored with shopping....as most men are :)
Can this make a good photograph U BET IT CAN, almost rhymes with your post I think
I'll bet that was a neat place to visit.
Cheers and happy Wed.
sounds like a great trip!
Great photojournalism shot. Like the ladies in the pic
Funny, before I read what the "U" stood for, I was looking in the photo to try and find something with "U".
oh my! there goes modesty.... hehe!
how is hubby feeling? better, i hope.....
very good "U"! not sure about the dressing room though!
Hi Photowannabe
HAve been playing catch up and have enjoyed the posts of the past few weeks.
I like your U post - it showsa such a distant life style.
As you can see I am on the recovery road but have a way to go.
Thanks for all your thoughts and comments during my convalescence, they were much appreciated
All the best
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