Sunday, December 09, 2007


We experienced a pretty good rainfall last Friday. I liked the way the water was dripping from the Pine tree in our front yard.
It may take me a few days to get to all your new posts. We seem to be going in too many directions this weekend. Be patience I'll be there.
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Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

"A drop fell on the apple tree
Another on the roof;
A half a dozen kissed the eaves,
And made the gables laugh.

A few went out to help the brook,
That went to help the sea.
Myself conjectured, Were they pearls,
What necklaces could be!

The dust replaced in hoisted roads,
The birds jocoser sung;
The sunshine threw his hat away,
The orchards spangles hung. "

Emily Dickinson

Beautiful title for a beautiful pic. I am glad your husband's doing better, Sue.....Enjoy your Sunday, both of you :)

Willard said...

I like that photograph a lot! The water drop really adds to it.

Coy Hill said...

Very pretty! Thanks for reminding me to get back to shooting macro!

Annie said...

Mother Nature's decoration, that little drop of water. Lovely, Sue.

Olivier said...

J'aime beaucoup cette photo, avec cette goutte au bout. que va t-elle devenir ? rester ou tomber ?
I like much this photograph, with this drop with the end. what will it become? to remain or fall?

Mr. Mapper said...

Nice drip, or is it a drop? or a dripping drop?

Ash said...

Gorgeous shot. The framing, the dof, the colors...I love everything about this one!

Sidney said...

Lovely shot !

MedaM said...

Nice close up photo! I too find water drops beautiful and interesting for photographing. I would say that was only a moment before the water drop fell down.

Anonymous said...

That is a nice shot. I like it and at first thought it was ice.

Shammickite said...

Nice to see some rain, we have only snow at the moment.
Nice photo.

hehehehe the word verification is
haha no I don't ! Not often anyway!

Anonymous said...

Perfection. :)

Paula said...

Great moment in time, Sue. Thanks for posting. Glad hubby is better now!

Jessica said...

Super duper love it.

Unknown said...

Wow! Love this photo.

Wayne said...

Wow, I like that shot. Serene in a quietly resigned, nature will have its way, sense. Makes me want to get out in the woods in the rain.

Anonymous said...

superb macro. well done

John Roberts said...

I wish you could send us some of that rain! Nice close-up.

K M F said...


Rune Eide said...

Difficult to get - nice to watch!

bluemountainmama said...

a little drop of joy! :) love it! simple and elegant..... i love the fact you notice these small details of nature.

great poem to go along with it, moi!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

HI phowa,
And lets hope its not going to freeze now? Nice close-up:)

I started posting some DUTCH 'birds' flying away , but did not.... they changed their minds I quess? Come and look . Have a great week/day

Greetings JoAnn:)

Anonymous said...

Nice shot Sue. We have had lots and lots of water drops here in the past few days.

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

How weird! I was just thinking that I haven't been to your blog in a while when I noticed you'd just left a comment on mine.

Wishing you the loveliest of holidays and a very prosperous New Year! I'm leaving town in a couple of days, see you again in mid Jan.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

same here -- rained for 2 days and supposed to rain for more.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

All your photos are top notch!

CG said...

Great capture. Rain can be so beautiful can't it?

Bill said...

Funny, My shot from 12/9 was from a pine tree in my front yard as well.

Unknown said...

Very pretty shot!