Thank the Lord ! I do believe we are better and there are better days ahead.
Now to get our energy back and it's onward to Spring.
The almond tree in our backyard is ready to pop.
Most of the trees aren't quite ready yet.
That bird seems to be patiently waiting for Spring too.
Snow on all the local mountains this morning. Beautiful
I gave the tile floor a glare this morning and then flogged myself to get up and sweep and mop... I love the house when everything is shining clean, that is rare these days for it all to be clean at one time. each thing is done on its own day
Ha ha on the messy house. That is a hoot. Hope all your energy returns soon.
the house thing… me too! I feel so bad because we left early this morning to go out of town and didn’t have time to make the bed. first time in years . your almond tree is screaming Spring. hope you Energy revives quickly
I've never seen an almond tree! Laughing out loud about that messy home meme. Right there with you, sista!
I can totally relate to that house meme, haha.
Glad you and Dave are feeling better.
I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better! Hooray for Spring! It hasn't made it's way here yet, but it will be coming. :)
I'm so glad you and your hubby are starting to feel human again. It's been a long siege for you both. Yes, spring is in the allergies are really kicking up even with medicine. AAchoo! LOL. I know I need to dust and clean. My sister and her hubby are coming next Friday for a birthday party for my hubby. I need to get cracking! I can write my name on the coffee table, so it's time! LOL. AAchoo! Oh, maybe it's the dust! LOL.
Glad you're both better. I'm right there with you on needing to get energy back.
Love the meme about the messy house. I can relate to that one.
I bet the almond tree is a beautiful sight when it flowers. i hope it gives you lots of almonds.
I'm glad to you that you guys are felling better. Love what you shared on cleaning the house. Take care.
It’s so uplifting to hear that you’re feeling better and looking forward to brighter days ahead! Spring is just around the corner, and it's always such a refreshing time of renewal. Your almond tree looks like it's ready to bloom—such a beautiful sign of things to come! That bird's patience is definitely a vibe we could all use right now. Here’s to regaining energy, embracing the season, and continuing to spread gratitude and kindness.
I am so glad to hear you are both feeling better. Being sick is for the birds!!!! I like your photos and I am so looking forward to spring. I am already in a garden mood!!!! Thank you for linking up and have a great week ahead.
Hurray that y'all are better! Hope it stays that way.
Our Red Maples are budding but they always do here in SE Georgia around Valentines. I call them our Valentine Day Trees.
Still giggling at the joke!
Blessings. 🥰
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