Friday, November 01, 2024


 I'll make this short and sweet...

Its not quite Fall yet in our little corner of the world.

The trees are having such a hard time changing their color.

Enlarge this leaf to see the intricate design.  

I find it amazing.

Happy 1st day of November.

Have a great weekend.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Pamela M. Steiner said...

That leaf IS amazing! I love the design! Reminds me of a tortoise shell kind of. But it is God's artistry in His creation. He uses even bugs and fungi and all sorts of things to create beauty! Love it! Happy Fall. It's coming!

Chatty Crone said...

Lovely - do you think they are having a hard time losing their color since they are so dry?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, the first thing I noticed is the designs! art for sure. Plus the colors are kind of unusual.

Mari said...

Oooh - that is so beautiful!

Marie Smith said...

The leaf has an interesting design! Beautiful!

Ann said...

And in my corner it's looking more and more winter like every day.

Rose said...

That is amazing.. and beautiful.

Mevely317 said...

Amazing, indeed. I'm imagining the lines like (our) blood vessels. I need to be more aware of the beauty which exists all around me.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a very interesting leaf. I have never been able to respond back to you because you have always been a no reply. Now there is a big issue with blogger and most people's comments are going to no reply. So if you comment on my post I need your email address. I may have it from something recent but if you could send it I will appreciate that.

Shug said...

I do see some color in this leaf and the designs are so interesting.. These are the kinds of things that I love about nature...being able to see God's hand on the smallest of details. Glad you found this one and that you shared it with us..

The Happy Whisk said...

WOW , wow. It's been full here forever now. Funny how areas can be so different.

Sparky said...

Neat picture. I photograph leaves often. They're like snowflakes aren't they?! Each one different.
It's still in the mid-80s here in SE Georgia. It's miserable. And now there are 3 more possible hurricanes lurking in the Gulf. *sigh* Better order more propane ... again ... what a year this has been.

photowannabe said...

Oh my dear Sparky..enough already!!! lets pray for no more hurricanes and ugly stuff.
It only got up to 63F today. I haven't even stuck my nose out the door. Trying to get some more items up on eBay..It is so time consuming. Need to sell, sell, sell.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That’s beautiful Sue. Up here, we’re slowly starting to turn.