Monday, November 18, 2024


 Well here we are at Monday, the 18th day of November.

Guess what?

I have been sick too!

The ugly flu hit me Saturday night as I was getting ready for bed.  

Oh brother it was horrible.  I don't think I have ever been that sick for many years.

I was up all night long and won't go into the sordid details, but I lost 3 full pounds!

UGH !!

Slept a lot and do feel a bit better this morning.  Dave feels about the same.

Weak and blah !!

As I said in my last post...  Getting old isn't for sissies.

Old and sick is not a nice combination.

Yummy breakfast this morning.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Mari said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry! That's the pits. I'm glad you are doing better and hope Dave also improves.
PS - My parents had those dishes. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think you are the 3rd blogger in CA that has had this, must be a virus, flu would last longer. have to run now, gonna go put blockades on the interstate to stop CA visitors. ha ha. hope you are better by now and the worst part is over. we got Covid shots and flu shots and rarely go anywhere and so far
we are ok... hope that doesn't jinx us

Marie Smith said...

Oh my! Feel better soon, Sue. I have that same set of dishes that we still use.

Sandi said...

Your drink looks like Romulan Ale! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ––

Wanda said...

Oh that nasty old bug....sorry to hear he bit you!! That is just what I have when I am sick. Dry toast is the only thing that works for a sick tummy. Praying you and Dave are better real soon.

Rose said...

Oh, Sue, I hope it is completely gone soon and that you feel a lot better quickly. It is harder on us as we age...and just seems some of it drags on and on.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I'm so sorry you and your hubby have both been sick with that icky flu bug. I do hope you are feeling better today. Glad you had some pedialyte. I hope it helped! Please take it easy and give yourself time to rest and recover before going back out to conquer the world! (((hugs)))

Mevely317 said...

Oh nooooo! I'm so sorry you got in the way of that nasty bug. Please take it easy and rest lots in the coming hours. Hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh MY, I am so sorry! And when we are running back and forth to the bathroom at our age, sometime sit feels like you just don't have the strength. It would be heaven to just lie down for awhile. Rest and keep up a bland diet.

diane b said...

Oh dear I feel for you. I hope you have improved by now. I had similar bouts three months in a row. Not nice at all.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

So far so good for us. I do maintain my 7-8 hours of sleep and since I’m a good sleeper I’m sure it helps! With the exception of my IBS episode, I don’t want to be sick. Usually I get sick in Jan or February. I’m out and about now more than ever so I’m exposed!
Oh well. I haven’t had a Covid shot. I will get a flu shot, just haven’t gotten around to it.
I hope you and Dave start feeling better soon.

PS. My mom had those same Corele dishes! lol

Ann said...

You are the second blogger I've read about being sick..Hope you are feeling better soon

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) So sorry to hear you were sick. Take care.

Shug said...

Sure hope you are feeling better. It takes a good while to get over all this stuff. Take care of yourself....

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that.
I'm a little behind in my blog reading, so hopefully by now you and Dave are already feeling much better.