Monday, November 25, 2024


 Well the rain has done a number on our beautiful tree in our front yard.

Wet and very soggy blanket of leaves over our driveway and lawn.

Dave and I got enough energy to try to rake the leaves up for garbage pickup tomorrow.

The leaves were so wet that we couldn't blow them with our blower.

We had just about used up all of our energy and said we would have to finish the job Monday.

We looked up and our neighbor from up the street (who we haven't visited with but a few times) came with his high powered leaf blower and said " here let me help you and make a quick job of these soggy leaves!"

Another jaw dropping moment in the life of our wonderful neighborhood.

Lickety split the leaves were in a pile... off the lawn and driveway and I got them dumped into the green waste can...

Chuck is a Life Saver and a True Blessing to us.

Chuck... our knight in Leaf Blowing Armor

And so on to Today ...  Monday ...

Here we go again

The yard and driveway look just like it did before.

Now we have rain for the rest of the day


No more clean up for a while.  ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜œ

Monday at noon


Life goes on and the leaves have given me more "Fodder" for another blog post.

# 25 in the Days of Thanksgiving

        Thankful for the rain and the gorgeous leaves

         Thankful for neighbors who care for us

          I see some Christmas cookies and banana bread in the future for the    


Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Ginny Hartzler said...

How wonderful! He really knows how to be a good neighbor. The leaves are still really pretty, and they say they are good for the ground.

sandy said...

wow i love all those leaves. I've been seeing such beautiful colors and seeing your leaves makes me want whatever in the heck kind of tree that it. In my yard i only have black oak tree leaves that turn yellow and my lilac tree that drops the prettier light lime green heart shaped leaves all over the place. You have such nice neighbors but glad you both had the energy to get a lot done after being sick.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Tis the season of raking, and raking some more! Theyโ€™re beautiful. What a nice guy your neighbor is!
At least itโ€™s not snow! ๐Ÿคจ

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a blessing to have such a good neighbor! That was so thoughtful of him. Yes, I'm sure he'd love some cookies or banana bread in the future. But I doubt he is expecting anything for his kindness. And yes, the leaves keep coming down, but at least you got a head start on them! They certainly are beautiful, even if they do cover your lawn and driveway. At least they are beautiful, so that is something to be thankful for! Please don't overdo it this week. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Mari said...

That's a lot of leaves! Our yard has been looking the same, but I think it's finally done.
You have a very nice neighbor!

Mevely317 said...

Y'all have the best neighbors! Ours are still waiting for Tom to mulch, but I'm not overly concerned. Yours are so pretty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the colors of those leaves are just stunning. we mulch our leaves, as long as one of us can push the lawn mower. you are blessed with good neighbors for sure. we could use a knight in shining fence skills about now. ha ha. bob would love to have that blower.

Ann said...

That is a lot of leaves. That was so thoughtful of your neighbor to come and help.

Marie Smith said...

A wonderful neighbour indeed. Happy Thanksgiving!

Shug said...

I think that this yard full of leaves are the prettiest ones I have seen all year. The colors are so beautiful and rich looking. Your yard looks like a sea of awesomeness!! Your neighbor is a very thoughtful to help. Hoping you all have a very sweet Thanksgiving....hug to you.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a lot of leaves. That was so nice of the gentleman across the street from you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Michelle said...

Wonderful that you have such a great neighbor!

Rose said...

You have some wonderful neighbors! The leaves are even pretty as they make a new carpet for your lawn.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That's the "trouble" with leaves that just keep falling even after being cleared up. It as really nice of your neighbor to come with the leaf blower; hopefully, he will return once the Ian is over. Wishing you and Dave a Happy Thanksgiving ๐Ÿฆƒ


What a kind and unexpected gesture from your neighbor! It's moments like that that really make a neighborhood special. Glad the leaves are taken care of! I just shared a blog post, let me know what you think.

csuhpat1 said...

Such beautiful pictures. Love the color.

Shammickite said...

Those leaves are beautiful. What kind of tree is it?

Michelle said...

Thank you for linking up.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

The colors of those leaves are so beautiful, and what a blessing to have such a nice neighbor.