Friday, November 22, 2024


 Here we are at my sporadic Days of Thankfulness # 22.

Still feeling weak but better every Thankful for that!

We have really been taking it easy and I didn't go to Lynne's today.  

I sure don't want her to get any lingering germs from me.

I poked my head out the front door this morning.

What a magnificent sight.

God sure has the "Best Box of Crayons" ...

So far we haven't had the torrential rains here.  North of us in CA they are really getting slammed.

I just checked my cell phone weather and it says heavy rain for us in the next hour...

I guess I spoke too soon.  We will see.  Our weather guy is very accurate so,

To Be Continued..

I'm glad we have our utility pumps ready to go.

There has been some question as to us wishing for snow.  Not for us down here in the Flatlands ...

But up in our Sierra Nevada mountains...

That's where all of our water comes from and when its a dry powder snow pack there is very little runoff for the water supply.

So snow in our mountains is a good thing...rain down here is good for plants etc. but the real value is the snow pack.

I am Thankful for all we have though.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad you are improving! And what beauty lies right outside your door. Thanks for answering my question. Continue to rest!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Up here we don’t get our water from the Sierras. This was an impressive, “welcome to the rainy season” I love this time of year! This morning we had some good breezes - about 50mph so that delayed getting out when I wanted to.
My son who works as a dietitian at a care facility is home sick with a flu that has really knocked him out. I dropped off some supplies for him but just dropped them at his door and then called him to get them. I love my son, but I do not want to take any chances. He totally understands. He has a heart for seniors!
I hope you continue on the path of good health. Rest and then rest some more! Relapses can be worse!
God bless.

Chatty Crone said...

I love God's crayons! Glad you are feeling better. Now I understand snow vs rain - thanks.

Sparky said...

Nice! God's crayons is so pretty. It's worth framing and keeping on the wall.
Sorry to hear y'all have not been well. I pray you're much better now and will stay that way.
No more floods here (I hope) as it has dried considerably since the last Hurricane. We've had rain but it was gentle, thank Heavens. 😊

photowannabe said...

Sparky, I can't seem to email you to answer your comments.
I do appreciate your comments and I would love to reply.

Marie Smith said...

Such a glorious scene! So much to be thankful for…

Pamela M. Steiner said...

That picture of your trees is just beautiful!! Yes, God has the best crayons! So glad you and your hubby are feeling better now. But yes, please take it easy and don't rush into things. Give yourself time to totally heal. Praying you get the right kind of snow in the mountains and rain in your area as needed. We are having some lovely cool days right now, but no rain in sight. We actually need some, but we are enjoying the cooler weather all the same. Have a lovely weekend.

Mevely317 said...

I'm so happy to hear you're feeling better and stronger, Sue!
Those trees reflect my favorite colors. Ours are decidedly muted this year, probably on account of the drought. Thank you for explaining to us 'flat-plainers' about the snow pack.
Rest well this evening!

Mari said...

I'm so glad you are improving.
Your photo of the tree is gorgeous! God is truly the best artist.
We had snow yesterday and rain today. Hoping you get some snow on the mountains!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a lovely fall showing- beautiful colors. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

Ann said...

Yes, He has some beautiful crayons. Yesterday he was painting with the white one here. Glad you are feeling better. Good to keep resting though. I always make the mistake of doing things when I start to feel better and then wear myself down again.

Donna said...

God is wonderful, isn't He?!
Praying you both feel better real Soon!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

God's Crayons are The Best! He colors trees and flowers and water and mountains and even snow and rain... and your part of the world has a masterpiece outside your window

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you are feeling better. Best you didn't go to Lynne's. Beautiful colors outside. We have some rain coming this week. My daughter had snow in Montana yesterday. Yes, the snow in the mountains is good for us too. Enjoy your weekend.

Rose said...

What a beautiful view when you open your door!