Saturday, September 14, 2024


 I hope you are enjoying my posts about the ministry Dave and I have done over the years.

These particular trips for 11 years were only done by me.  Dave stayed home and "enjoyed" his vacation without me. 😄

First I will show some of the things the kids were involved in and lastly all that we as the Kitchen Team did to fed the hungry masses. If this gets too long I may have to do a third post..we will see.

Here's another shot of the alfalfa fields that had to be mowed by the farmers before we could set up our basecamp.

Some of the college and high school kids came down a few days after our core group arrived.  They are called the Spartans.  Their job was to put up all the big "Mash" tents for sleeping.

About 300 personal vans were rented from Enterprise and everyone rode all the way from home to Mexico.  It was an amazing caravan and so well coordinated.

That's over 13 hours riding with your "best friends".  Lots of prayer to say the least.

We always took an ending photo of the "Village".  

Then I will show you things that they did to be a blessing.

Lumber being delivered to BaseCamp for the 10 - 12 homes to be built in 5 days time.

Here is one of the construction teams that went out to different locals. They are kids that learned how to build  a new home for a family under the leaders watchful eye.
The local pastors chose which people were to get the home this time.
Then our Con. team would come in to the designated place and begin the process.
At the end of 5 days the house was built and the keys were presented to the family.

Other teams went out locally to distribute "care packages" to people that the local pastors designated.
In the early years of my doing the kitchen work I was able to go out into the community with a team just to see what was being done.  I treasure those times too.

One year we were able to give many refurbished wheelchairs to the disabled.
The woman in the photo above hadn't been able to get to church on her own due to her disability.  She received a chair and now someone can push her to where ever she needs to go.  She could not get over feeling useful again.

Other teams did daily VBS or bible and craft activities.
That's my granddaughter a few years ago.
She loved working with the middle schoolers.

As you can see some kiddos were more interested in their bubble gum than the craft.  I love that I was able to capture this moment.  It made my day.

 I have written about Antonio before but he needs to be shown again.
I wish I knew the future of his story.

Giving Spanish Bibles to local congregations

The faces of the Mexican children are so compelling.

I think I will close this post with these statistics.
Tomorrow will be all about the Kitchen Team and what we did.

Forever Slicing and Dicing...

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Chatty Crone said...

I really love this. I thought Dave went too - but you went and left him home to vacation - lol.
Love the kitchen facts - wow!
It is all done so scientifically. The kitchen help arrives first. Then the tent makers.
All those mini vans lined up.
I bet you do wonder how all those kids are doing that you met - I wish you knew.
Love, sandie

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Such wonderful memories of all of these trips and people and places and faces. Faces I am sure you will see again one day in heaven. It all sounds like a huge task, but with God all things are possible, right? Amazing stories. Thank you for sharing them with us. I really am in awe of what God can do with devoted people.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

What a fantastic project. It must have taken all year to plan the logistics for such a trip.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love reading these posts. That is a huge operation—my goodness, and 10-12 houses! I am sure the people were very thankful. And to think, nowadays, some missionaries are assigned from other countries to the US.
My husband knows a Pastor from India, and he tells my husband they send missionaries to the US. It touched me -
You have to wonder about the children. I do pray that they are well and still walking with the Lord.

Mevely317 said...

Wow, wow, wow! From start to finish, yo urs was like a well-choreographed dance.
Yes, the children's faces are the best. I loved bubble gum, too! I'm so glad you've these memories to cherish.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I thought Dave had gone with you in the previous posts.
Now I'm confused.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the bubble gum is adorable and I was like her, I still love bubble gum. its the little things that matter to kids. I know the people who got the wheel chairs were ecstatic. I am sure they are still enjoying that home

Sparky said...

That's a lot of alfalfa! Running a camp that size is a lot of work from start to finish. It does operate like a M.A.S.H. unit. I'll bet the entire village still talks about y'alls visit still today. Well done. 💙

Marie Smith said...

Such beautiful people there and the volunteers as well. What an experience for a young person to help build a home for another!

Rose said...

What wonderful memories you must have!